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Nintendo of America has shared photos of a Mario-themed nursery – you can find them above. It was created by two parents for their daughter.


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In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said “Brazil has huge potential.”

But there are a few problems Nintendo is facing. For one thing, the Big N’s hardware typically goes for over $1,000 in Brazil, a significant price hike that plagues other technology companies as well.

This could be remedied, at least somewhat, if Nintendo were to manufacture some of its hardware directly in Brazil. While Reggie says Nintendo has considered doing so “a number of times”, the country’s manufacturing industry may not be up to the task due to a lack of technical capability. Nintendo has concerns about piracy in Brazil as well.


Need for Speed… Millionaire? Believe it or not, Criterion did indeed toy around with such a concept.

Criterion creative director Alex Ward revealed the canned idea on Twitter, which was an experiment that came about prior to Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit’s development.

Need for Speed: Millionaire would have allowed players to buy all available Supercars for you and your friends after winning a lottery. Ward said the game “was supposed to be Freeburn meets Top Gear challenges.” It was in a playable state, but Criterion only tried things out for about six months before moving on to Hot Pursuit.

Ward’s tweets in full:

Kotaku has discovered some interesting cameos in Batman: Arkham Origins/Blackgate. Due to potential spoilers, we’ve posted the information after the break.

IGN has gone live with a new piece filled with quotes from Eiji Aonuma regarding The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. There are quite a few interesting comments, including his thoughts on the original Zelda tech demo shown for GameCube, how he’s approaching remakes, and more.

You can find all of Aonuma’s quotes below. Also be sure to check out IGN’s full piece here.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has answered a whole bunch of fan questions on Twitter… including one response in which he trolls people who had hoped to see him twerking. It’s a strange night indeed.

For Reggie’s complete comments, head past the break.

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SEGA brought over a whole bunch of classic games, redone with stereoscopic 3D, as part of its “3D Reproduction Project” for the eShop. We’re still waiting for these titles overseas, but SEGA made releases such as 3D Space Harrier and 3D Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sega’s third CS Research and Development producer, Yosuke Okunari, spoke about the 3D Reproduction Project in this week’s Famitsu. He told the magazine:

“For the Virtual Console, the concept was to recreate the games exactly the way they were originally made. Sega Ages Online presented new rules and functions, which brought a fresh new take on the way they’re played. However, the ‘3D Reproduction Project’ required further measures. That’s where we added a remake version exclusive ‘HAYA OH’ boss to 3D Space Harrier.”

According to Okunari, future remakes/re-releases will depend on the fans.

“We wanted to go after a stereoscopic vision that was unimaginable. For Sonic from the Sega Genesis, not only did we make it into 3D, but we also added the Spin Dash, which I believe made it easier to play. For 3D Galaxy Force II, the 3D added more depth to the screen, making it less common to get lost on the route. The things staff members wanted to express in the past but couldn’t, are now possible with today’s technology. And we’d like to share that joy. For our next lineup, it will depend on all of your voices, so please continue to support us.”


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Next week, a new reward will be added to the North American Club Nintendo page. Members will have the opportunity to pick up different-colored charging cradles for the 3DS XL.

Five colors will be available: blue, yellow, red, white, and green. Each costs 500 Club Nintendo coins.

Nintendo says there will be limited quantities of the cradles. The rewards go live on October 31.


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD proves remakes can go a long way on Wii U. So that begs the question: how about a Mario remake? Wouldn’t it be fantastic seeing something like Super Mario Sunshine updated in HD?

Shigeru Miyamoto is certainly open to the possibility. Nintendo’s own developers are concentrating “on new stuff”, but he says HD releases could “be a good project for a development partner of ours, so that’s something I hope we have the opportunity to introduce in the future.”

Miyamoto told GamesRadar:

As for remaking previous games in HD, that’s certainly possible, but currently most of our devs are working on new stuff, and we like to have them working on new stuff. HD remakes might, however, be a good project for a development partner of ours, so that’s something I hope we have the opportunity to introduce in the future.

But the main thing that’s always going to be on our minds are, “What new elements of gameplay can we use with the GamePad as applied to some of these older games?” We want to find some way to bring a new experience to this than simply update the visuals and leave it at that.


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