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The latest version of Fortnite is now available. Patch 9.20, among the usual bug fixes, also adds the new Storm Flip item. Here are the full patch notes:

Weapons + Items

  • Storm Flip
    • Thrown item that explodes on impact and creates a sphere-shaped zone.
    • Where the sphere overlaps the storm, it will create a safe zone.
    • Where the sphere overlaps a safe zone, it will create a storm zone.
    • The Storm Flip deals the same damage as the current storm.
    • The zone lasts for 20 seconds before dissipating.
    • Available in Epic Rarity.
    • Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, and Vending Machines.
    • Drops in stacks of 1.
    • Max stack of 1.
  • Vaulted
    • Hunting Rifle all variants
    • While we value the variety of longer range sniping options, the Hunting Rifle has become somewhat outclassed by the Infantry Rifle after it was changed to hitscan. In addition, there are a few Sniper Rifle options available and we feel it doesn’t currently fill a necessary role in the item lineup.
  • Loot Carrier
    • Reduced sniper package availability from 12.5% to 8.45%
    • Reduced explosive package availability from 12.5% to 7.04%
    • The chances of getting high-powered, rare items from Supply Drones was higher than felt appropriate, so we’ve reduced their availability slightly
  • Mounted turret
    • Overheat now takes 20% longer.
    • The Mounted Turret’s usage has decreased over time. By slightly increasing time before Overheat, the goal is to help increase its risk/reward.
  • Increased max charge time on Boom Bow from 1s to 1.25s
    • The Boom Bow is a bit stronger than we’d like. This adjustment should reduce frequency between shots, making misses riskier. We’d like to evaluate the impact of this change before making any additional adjustments, and it’s possible that more tweaks will be necessary if this doesn’t have the desired effect.
  • The Slipstream’s audio, pink ring, and spinning blades turn off when disabled during the fifth phase of the Storm.
  • Players revived from a Reboot Van will lose invulnerability upon shooting or building.
  • Air Vents are now more forgiving in order to prevent fall damage when players jump on them from high places.

Yesterday’s Pokemon Direct revealed quite a bit on new information on Pokemon Sword & Shield, including several new Pokemon. However, another new Pokemon might have been hiding in plain sight, Serebii reports. Head past the break for the information and two images of this possible new Pokemon.

Nintendo has announced the date for the final ARMS Party Crash Bash – it’ll take place starting on June 14. After months of matches, Min Min and Ninjara have emerged as the two finalists. Nintendo even prepared a special piece of artwork for the occasion, which you can see above.



A new skill-based Summoning Focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. This time, featured skill is Flier Formation. The 5-star focus units are Elincia: Lost Princess, Hinoka: Blue Sky Warrior and Leanne: Forest’s Song. The Summoning Focus will be available until June 16.

Also, since it’s Thursday, Tactics Drills has received an update. The new map “As Archers Advance” can be found in the Grandmaster section.

Yo-kai Watch 4

Listings on the eShops provide file sizes for a bunch of Switch games. These include Clannad, Yo-kai Watch 4, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


Developer Regista has announced that they are bringing PC horror title Shadow Corridor to Switch sometime this Summer in Japan.

The company has also disclosed that the updated Switch version will have new features such as difficulty options.

Source, Via

A new Dragon Special Summon Showcase is set to go live in Dragalia Lost this Saturday, June 8th.

The Showcase will run until June 20th. Details on the included summons can be viewed below.

A new demo is now available for Destiny Connect on the Japanese eShop.

The demo allows for players to play up until the fourth chapter of the game. No save data will transfer over if the title is purchased, however.

Source, Via

Scrap Rush!!

Following up on the announcement of a Western release, developer Acquire has posted a short story trailer for Scrap Rush!!.

Those interested can view the half-minute clip below.

Nintendo Switch Parental Controls

The Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app has received a new update. On both iOS and Android, version 1.9.0 is live.

Nintendo says that it has added a VR Mode (3D Visuals) restriction setting. Additionally, bug fixes have been implemented. Nothing else appears to have been added beyond that.

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