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New screenshots and details for The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokemon have come in through the game’s official website. You can find the latest batch of content below.

– Select the lead Pokemon to attack when you begin
– You can then change the Pokemon you use as previous explained
– Pokemon will disappear after you use them
– As a result, you’ll need to keep StreetPassing others
– The lead Pokemon of the person you pass determines which Pokemon you get
– Ex: if they lead with Froakie, you’ll get Froakie
– You can also buy Pokemon using Game Coins, but you’ll only get the Pokemon that matches your lead
– Game’s purpose is to bring back treasure that has been stolen by the thieves Marilyn and Riot
– Marilyn appears in Stage 4 with her Delphox
– Clear the game by beating Greninja and Delphox
– You have to decide how many Pokemon to use in each battle, based on your opponent’s strength
– Using too many up in a single battle may mean you will lose the next one because you have too few Pokmon left
– Can attempt to sneak past opponents to skip the stage, but if they spot you, the battle will commence


It was nearly a couple of months ago that Nintendo’s Hideki Konno commented on why Mario Kart 8 lacks a track editor. Now the game’s director has weighed in as well.

While speaking with STACK, Kosuke Yabuki said:

You are referring to the tool that users can design the course freely, right? If so, we have decided to give it a pass this time. There are so many elements and features in Mario Kart 8 – in addition to ground, water and sky sections, there is now anti-gravity and it is required to design the tracks to utilise three dimensions. If we added a simple course editor, it wouldn’t be a very user friendly tool. When we develop a tool like this, we want to make sure it is easy to use for everyone, but in order to do so for a project like this, we would need many more innovations. It may come one day in the future.


Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

Here’s a first look at the bottom-screen display for the Nintendo 3DS. Your name will appear in the area above the accumulated damage. And if you tap one of the fighter displays…!

Hey everyone, Austin here. Just wanted to let you know that Mario Kart 8 is available on the Wii U eShop despite the fact that it’s only midnight in the eastern time zone. I’m in central time and have just begun my download, as you can see above, so it can be assumed that this also applies to mountain and pacific time zones. Let us know if this isn’t the case!

WayForward will be sharing “big news” pertaining to Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse at E3 2014, the studio has teased.

WayForward wrote on Twitter earlier today:

Doesn’t it feel like we’ve been waiting ages for Pirate’s Curse? A release date would be nice!

Thanks to Noble Wrot for the tip.


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