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An official Kickstarter for Hex Heroes has gone live. Those who are interested in the project can provide donations here.

There are some neat things in store for Hex Heroes, such as collaborations with other companies. Renegade Kid’s Max will be offered as a character skin in the game.

The Nintendo Pocket Football Club website has opened ahead of the game’s European release next month. You can find it here. The page contains various information about the game, so check it out if you’re interested!

Ubisoft has confirmed its lineup for PAX East 2014.

Watch Dogs, Child of Light, and plenty of other titles be brought to the show. Each will be playable between April 11 and April 11 at Ubisoft’s booth.

You can find the full overview of Ubisoft’s plans for PAX East below, which includes a never-before-seen demo for Watch Dogs.

Seductive Dungeon’s previously-announced project “Mars Harpoon” is planned for Wii U. The studio just became an approved developer for the console, and will be bringing the project to the eShop sometime in the future.

Mars Harpoon is a 2D side-scrolling action game that has players taking down hordes of enemies. You’ll be travelling through maze-like caverns and temples that are loaded with traps and hazards.


Steel Empire won’t be a Japanese-only release. The game will make its way to the North American 3DS eShop, Starfish has confirmed. Hopefully there are plans to bring Steel Empire to Europe as well!


At least in Europe, Game Boy Advance titles will begin arriving on the Wii U eShop next week. Nintendo’s UK page posted the message below, confirming that Advance Wars will be available on April 3.

It’s unclear at this time if any other GBA games will be joining Advance Wars in Europe next week.


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