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Those who stop by a GAME outlet in the UK can receive a special Kirby theme, pictured above. You can obtain it by entering the Nintendo Zone. Note that the offer expires on July 10.


Two New 3DS XL models were recently announced for Japan. Nintendo has announced that one of them, the Solgaleo and Lunala Limited Edition unit, is heading to Europe. It’ll be launching this November.

Nintendo announced through Twitter:

Additionally, Pokemon Sun/Moon – Fan Editions will launch across Europe on November 23.


The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

PS4 – 20,214
New 3DS LL – 18,835
Vita – 11,413
Wii U – 3,870
New 3DS – 2,583
PS3 – 1,061
3DS – 741
3DS LL – 120
Xbox One – 58

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

New 3DS LL – 21,736
PS4 – 19,573
Vita – 12,312
Wii U – 3,901
New 3DS – 3,029
PS3 – 1,006
3DS – 602
3DS LL – 90
Xbox One – 46

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Taiko Drum Master: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure – 32,369 / NEW
2. [3DS] Ace Attorney 6 – 25,288 / 222,119
3. [PSV] Dragon Quest Heroes II – 13,175 / 193,339
4. [PSV] Hakuoki: Shinkai – Hana no Shou – 10,526 / NEW
5. [3DS] Kirby: Planet Robobot – 9,766 / 321,860
6. [PS4] Dragon Quest Heroes II – 8,673 / 253,845
7. [PS4] Overwatch – 8,484 / 97,136
8. [PS3] Dragon Quest Heroes II – 6,167 / 109,311
9. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 6,006 / 798,870
10. [WIU] Splatoon – 5,486 / 1,388,585
11. [PSV] Root Letter – 4,855 / NEW
12. [3DS] Yo-kai Sangokushi – 4,370 / 541,752
13. [WIU] Super Mario Maker – 4,281 / 896,116
14. [PS4] Root Letter – 4,052 / NEW
15. [3DS] Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games – 3,845 / 174,403
16. [PSV] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2016 – 3,567 / 144,445
17. [PS4] Grand Theft Auto V (4,990 Yen Edition) – 3,076 / 120,799
18. [PS3] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2016 – 2,818 / 95,539
19. [PS4] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2016 – 2,685 / 157,562
20. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 – 2,594 / 607,574


Level-5 issued another Yo-kai Watch 3 video today which once again highlights the RPG’s battle system. View it below.

After the news yesterday that Disney Magical World 2 was headed to Australia there were many questions about a European version of the game. Nintendo has announced that Disney Magical World 2 will be heading to Europe this fall and it will be launching on the same day as in North America: October 14th.

Below is the tweet from Nintendo of Europe making the announcement:

Several new 3DS themes are out now in Japan. Here’s the full lineup:

Forbidden Magna – 200 yen
My Hero Academia (x2) – 200 yen each
Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale – 200 yen
Animal Crossing: Sea Bathing – 200 yen

And a look at the new Animal Crossing theme:


The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

When Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 heads to Japan on August 25, Inti Creates will be offering a special package version with the first game included. Although we did hear about interest in having it available in the west as well, there wasn’t anything too concrete to go on… until now.

Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack has now been rated in Australia. Even more interesting is that Shovel Knight creator Yacht Club Games is listed as publisher. Now that the Australian listing has surfaced, hopefully we’ll see an announcement soon!


Yacht Club Games posted a new blog today that covers the upcoming Specter Knight campaign from Shovel Knight in-depth. You can see some animated images and a rundown of the character’s different moves here.

As for when the Specter Knight campaign is launching, that’s still unknown at this point. Yacht Club is currently working on all campaigns at once – Specter Knight and King Knight – plus Body Swap and Battle Mode features.

Here’s the rundown from Yacht Club:

When Shovel Knight originally kicked off we focused entirely on making the original Shovel Knight campaign the absolute best! It’s the game we originally pitched and knew we wanted to spend all of our efforts and energy polishing the core campaign. After release, we gathered everyone’s impressions before cracking open the game once more to brew up Plague of Shadows! Plague Knight was a chance to build upon and deliver all new story, characters, and playstyle. We made many iterations (threw out a lot of ideas), and learned some great lessons on how best to extend and change up the existing Shovel Knight game world.

With that experience fresh in our minds, the team here is now working on all remaining campaigns and updates at once! That means Specter Knight, King Knight, Body Swap, and Battle Mode (for PC and consoles). That’s a lot more game — and it should arrive sooner than the wait between Shovel Knight and Plague Knight. Creating these updates simultaneously will allow us to plan more cohesively. How levels change between the two characters, how much time is needed for new mechanics/systems, stories interweaving, and so on. Once we’re nearing completion on one set of updates, we’ll be switching our focus to a single campaign to make sure it’s polished for release. Then we’ll be doing the same by switching to the next campaign! Here are some answers to the most frequent questions:

Marvelous issued several new Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns screenshots (and a few pieces of art) today. The full set, posted below, shows off the various pets in the game. We also have a full listing of dogs, cats, and capybaras available in the game after the break.

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