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Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11 launches on April 23. If you’re in Europe, however, that might be a different story.

There’s been a lot of speculation surrounding Mortal Kombat 11’s Switch launch in Europe. We’ve been trying to hold off on posting about it until Warner Bros. comments on the situation, but thus far, they haven’t done so. In the meantime, a number of retailers have come forward listing a May 10 release date – including the Nintendo UK store. The Switch version of Mortal Kombat 11 is still on track for April 23 in the states, though for whatever reason, that doesn’t appear to be the case for PAL regions.

Pre-orders are open for Mortal Kombat 11 on the Nintendo UK store here. Bundles with Pixel Pals Lamps are also available.

Thanks to Charlie H for the tip.

You may recall that Those Who Remain was announced for Switch at this time last year. Developer Camel 101 provided an update today, confirming that we’ll now be seeing it later in 2019.

Here’s the latest information on Those Who Remain, along with a trailer:


Robothorium will launch on Switch this week, a listing on the eShop reveals. GoblinzStudio will have it ready on January 31.

Here’s an overview for the cyberpunk dungeon crawler, along with a trailer:

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid has received a couple of additional videos. We’ve included an extended announcement and gameplay reveal trailer below.

To promote its February 7 release date (at least in Japan), Flyhigh Works published a trailer for Captain StarONE. View it below.

The Stillness of the Wind

Fellow Traveler announced today that it will be bringing The Stillness of the Wind to Switch. The game is set for release on February 7.

We have the following overview and trailer:

5pb. has provided the boxart for Steins;Gate: Divergencies Assort, an upcoming release for Switch in Japan. Get a look at the packaging image above.

Steins;Gate: Divergencies Assort will be out on March 20 in Japan.


Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

FDG Entertainment has announced a new update for Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. With version 1.0.4, multi save slots will be added.

FDG hasn’t provided any additional information about the patch. We’ll pass along word when it’s live.



Nintendo published a new trailer today to highlight the new Fortuna update for Warframe. You can watch it below.

Note that despite what the video says, Fortuna apparently isn’t live on Switch just yet. We’ll let you know when that changes.

The Lost Light of Sisu

According to a listing on the eShop, The Lost Light of Sisu will be heading to Switch in a month. A release is planned for February 27.

Here’s an overview for the physics driven platformer, along with a trailer:

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