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The latest issue of Famitsu has shared a listing of the top 30 best-selling games in Japan for the month of December 2017, including debut digital sales for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. You can check out the full results below.

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Much like it has done in previous years, Game Informer has ranked the top 50 games of 2017. The magazine published the full results in its latest issue.

Ranked by release date, Game Informer’s top 50 is as follows:

The Rapid Blaster Deco was added to Splatoon 2 a short while ago as the game’s latest weapon. The video below gives us a closer look at it in action.


This week, Matt Makes Games published its newest title Celeste, and it’s out now on Switch. But the developer had also previously announced that its last game TowerFall would also be released on the system. Although there hasn’t been much news to share, it hasn’t been cancelled.

Developer Matt Thorson provided the following update to IGN:

“Our plan was always to wrap up Celeste before working on the Switch TowerFall edition. Soon we’ll be freed up to bring that over! We know a lot of fans are eager to play TowerFall on the Switch, and I’m excited to see it on there myself. But it’s more important for us to move forward with Celeste and put all our energy into making it as good as possible before revisiting TowerFall again. We think fans of TowerFall will be surprised at how much we’ve improved and pushed ourselves to explore new creative territory in Celeste.”

TowerFall is 2D combat game with archers that bounce around arenas as they try to one-hit kill each other. We’ve included a trailer for it below.


A few new games out came out this week on the various eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

A new Japanese Splatfest will be held in Splatoon 2 next week, Nintendo has announced. This one acts as a tie-in of sorts with the Splatoon manga. The topic is champion vs. challenger.

The new Splatfest kicks off on February 3 at 3 PM Japan time. Once it ends, we should have the results soon after.



The closed beta for Arena of Valor has started in Europe, and it’s giving us a first look at the game on Switch. View a couple of gameplay videos below.

Rock Pocket Games announced this week that Shiftlings Enhanced Edition is coming to Switch on February 1. Take a look at 20 minutes of footage below.

Fire Emblem Heroes has continued to received content updates, including a Lyon Grand Hero Battle and more summons. Check out the latest gameplay below.

Players have discovered a neat Super Mario Bros. 3 Easter egg hidden within Celeste. It’s a small one, but a nice homage nonetheless. We won’t spoil it here, though you can see it for yourself in the video below.

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