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It’s basically tradition at this point: Nintendo continues to give out weekly free ingame items for Breath of the Wild on Switch. Just head to your news page and make sure you’re subscribed to the Zelda channel!

This week, the game’s director Hidemaro Fubuyashi has some armor-enhancing items for us. These are as listed here: Yellow Chuchu Jelly (x3) and Electric Keese Wing (x3).

The director pairs the items with a helpful tip on how to use them: “Levelling up the Rubber Armor set twice will give it the ‘Shockproof’ effect.” It’s implied that the electrifying items will, when brought to a great fairy fountain, help in upgrading the Rubber Armor set.

Stay tuned for more Breath of the Wild distributions.

Source: Switch news

A new summoning focus is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. This summoning focus called “Heroes with Death Blow” features 5 star versions of Elincia, Delthea, and Klein with the skill Death Blow. This focus will be available until November 23rd.

Fire Emblem Warriors is getting a new update and it’s coming next week on November 16th. Below is the official list of changes coming to the game from the Japanese website translated by Gematsu.

It’s that time as Nintendo has officially ended Miiverse’s services on 3DS & Wii U. As of now if you try to connect to Miiverse, you will get a server error saying that the service has ended.

The homepage for the official Miiverse website shows this image below basically saying the same thing about the end of Miiverse and also information about how your downloadable post history will be sent to your email if you sent a request.

As of right now, Nintendo has no plans for a new social media service on the Switch to replace Miiverse but these last 5 years of Miiverse were something special. Thank you Miiverse and goodbye.


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Earlier today, Ubisoft brought Uno to the Switch eShop around the world. Get a look at the official launch trailer below.

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Lola Pop, the last big ARMS character, was added to the game in mid-September. The company could be gearing up for the next fighter and stage.

The image above was posted to the Japanese ARMS Twitter account just a short while ago. The message itself doesn’t really say anything too interesting, but it’s the image that we’re more interested in. This forest / ruins area could be a sign of what’s to come for ARMS.

We thought that Nintendo was teasing a new ARMS stage in August. Eventually, as we know, Lola Pop made it into ARMS along with Via Dolce.


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This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

VA-11 Hall-A (PSV) – 8/8/9/9
ARK: Survival Evolved (PS4) – 8/8/8/8
WRC 7 (PS4) – 8/8/7/8
Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisecchi Ninki no Omise Atsumemashita (3DS) – 8/8/7/7

Miitomo has been updated with new content. Players can nab the latest items in the Miitomo Drop stage, “Handcrafted cuteness! Miitomo Arts and Crafts Class #2”.

Available items include:

– Patchwork top (set)
– Patchwork set (bottoms)
– Patchwork set (shoes)
– Patchwork bunny backpack

Users can select Miitomo Drop stages from the Shop tab. Miitomo coins or game tickets are needed to play.


Super Mario Maker on Wii U and 3DS have both received updates. The two games are at version 1.47 and 1.04 respectively.

Below are the patch notes for Super Mario Maker:

– Accompanying the ending of the Miiverse service, new comments can no longer be added and existing comments can no longer be viewed on uploaded courses. Courses can still be uploaded, played, and evaluated.
– A number of issues have been fixed to make for a pleasant playing experience.

And Super Mario Maker for 3DS:

A number of issues have been fixed to make for a pleasant playing experience.


Nintendo has announced the results of the Kirby Copy Ability Poll. After tabulating all of the votes around the world, the winning ability was none other than Mirror.

Below are the full results by region:

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