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SEGA has delayed the Japanese launch of Hero Bank.

Initially, the 3DS title was due out on December 19. However, Hero Bank’s opening movie confirms the delay. It’s now scheduled for release in spring 2014.

Hero Bank will cost 5,500 yen at retail when it’s available. The eShop version will cost 4,900 yen.

Conatus Creative previously expressed interest in bringing River City Ransom: Underground to the Wii U and 3DS. That interest has now translated into stretch goals on Kickstarter.

If River City Ransom: Underground manages to raise $320,000 CAD, the game will come to both eShops – Wii U and 3DS. It could be difficult to reach such a high amount with only 11 days remaining in the campaign, but it’s nonetheless encouraging to see both platforms included in the Kickstarter.


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Polygon has shared a few new details about How to Survive. Here’s the latest information:

– Game has a “challenge” mode with 10 challenges to play
– Each challenge has you escaping a set of islands that have become infested with zombies
– Campaign mode is more about crafting, dismantling, upgrading, etc
– Challenge mode is more about the individual aspects of the single player, rather than all of them together

– One challenge called “Island of Fatties”
– Has players trying to get to an aircraft to escape the island
– This challenge focuses on explosive zombies
– You can outrun/hide from these slower zombies to avoid fights
– You can attack and risk injury from their explosives

– Another challenge called “Chainsaw Massacre”
– Player has a chainsaw as their main weapon
– Other weapons are scarce
– Challenge is to find a way to destroy various zombies without touching them or using the chainsaw

Via Polygon

Thanks to Tim for the tip.

Although it had been hinted at in previous interviews, Image & Form has officially confirmed that a new entry in the SteamWorld Dig series is in development for the 3DS. Similar to its predecessor, the new title will be released on the 3DS eShop.

Speaking with Nintendo Life, Image & Form’s Brjann Sigurgeirsso said:

“We’ve come quite far developing the next game in the SteamWorld series, and we’re waiting for the right moment to announce more details.”

SteamWorld Dig launched to critical success in August. The game has been financially successful, too.


EnjoyUp has teased a new game for the Wii U eShop involving cars and platforms.

A tweet published on the company’s account earlier today reads:

Note that “Cars & Platforms” isn’t actually the name of the game. This is just a tentative label given to the project for now.


Ohno Odyssey teaser

Posted 10 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition can be purchased once more on GameStop. When the product originally went up, its availability didn’t last long. I imagine it’ll be similar this time around as well.

You can order the Zelda: Wind Waker HD Limited Edition here. Along with the game, a special Ganondorf figure is included.

Releasing Yakuza 1 & 2 HD on Wii U “was an experiment”, according to series creator and Yakuza Studio head Toshihiro Nagoshi.

Nagoshi told EDGE that he was “interested in the Wii U format and curious about how many Wii U users would be interested in the Yakuza series”. This information could only be obtained by “releasing something.”

Nagoshi probably didn’t attain the results he was probably looking for. The game’s sales “weren’t great,” he said.

“The PlayStation format has a lot of users, so we knew that our audience is there. With the HD versions, we had already made the game once for PS2 and then in HD, so it was quite easy to port it to Wii U, whereas [porting] a whole new title is a bit tricky. I was interested in the Wii U format and curious about how many Wii U users would be interested in the Yakuza series, and the only way to find that out was to try releasing something. It was an experiment. But the sales weren’t great.”


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