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The official Pokemon X/Y website has updated with additional details about Pokemon Bank and Poke Transfer. You can find another batch of tidbits below.

Pokemon Bank

– Deposit, store, manage Pokemon in private boxes
– Annual charge
– Link up to your own dedicated boxses
– Pokemon will be safe even if you lose your game
– Each box can store up to 30 Pokemon for a total of 3,000
– Pokemon X/Y will still have in-game PC boxes
– Deposit and withdraw Pokemon from different copies of Pokemon X/Y
– Download Pokemon Bank, insert Pokemon X/Y, and open the Pokemon Bank app
– Works with downloadable versions of Pokemon X/Y
– Conveniently transfer many Pokemon at once without needing two game systems
– Search functions included
– Stored on an online server
– Free trial period will be available at launch

Poke Transporter

– Insert Pokemon Black/White or Pokemon Black/White 2
– Can then use Poke Transporter to transfer Pokemon from these games into their own online Boxes
– This allows you to easily transfer those Pokemon into Pokemon X/Y using Pokemon Bank
– Free downloadable app
– Launching alongside Pokemon Bank
– Poke Transporter cannot return Pokemon to Black/White or Black/White 2 after they’ve been stored in an online Box
– “Note: You may find yourself unable to use Pokémon Bank or Poké Transporter to deposit any Pokémon created illegally by software unauthorized by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo into your online Boxes, or to move these Pokémon between online Boxes.”


Two Limited Edition Pokémon-themed Nintendo 3DS XL Systems Launching on September 27

BELLEVUE, WA—September 4, 2013—In a surprising twist announced this morning during a special Nintendo Direct presentation, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y players do not receive Chespin, Fennekin, or Froakie from Professor Sycamore but are in fact given the choice of a classic partner Pokémon—Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle—from the very first Pokémon games, Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue! Adding to the excitement, once a player has evolved this Pokémon into Venusaur, Charizard, or Blastoise and obtained its unique Mega Stone, the Pokémon will be able to Mega Evolve while in battle.Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard, and Mega Blastoise will possess overwhelming powers never before seen in a Pokémon game. Players can choose fan favorite Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle whenPokémon X and Pokémon Y launch worldwide October 12, 2013, for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.

More secrets about Mega Evolution were also revealed today. It was previously announced that certain Pokémon needed to hold a unique Mega Stone in order to Mega Evolve, but now it’s known that there is a second requirement players must fulfill for Mega Evolution to occur. Trainers must also obtain a bracelet called the Mega Ring that holds a mysterious stone called a Key Stone. The Trainer’s Key Stone resonates with the Mega Stone held by his or her Pokémon, and together they trigger the Evolution that is normally impossible—Mega Evolution.


Nintendo has confirmed that the two special Pokemon X/Y 3DS XL systems, previously announced for Japan, are also coming to North America and Europe. Red and blue limited edition systems featuring Xerneas and Yveltal will be out on September 27.

Get Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle (from Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue) from Professor Sycamore, early on in #PokemonXY

Professor Sycamore will be handing out Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle to players early on in Pokemon X/Y. In turn, they can evolve into Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard and Mega Blastoise via new Mega Evolutions.

Nintendo has announced two downloadable applications for Pokemon X/Y. “Pokemon Bank” will allow players to store up to 3,000 Pokemon through 100 boxes. This is a paid service. Meanwhile, “Poke Transfer” will allow Pokemon from Black/White and Black/White 2 to be transferred.

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