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This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

We have three main goals when it comes to our smart-device business. We aim to utilize smart devices as a platform to reach the maximum number of consumers with our IP. We also hope to grow the smart-device business into a pillar of revenue for Nintendo. Furthermore, we aim to generate synergy with our dedicated video game systems to maximize the potential of our overall business strategies. Just as Super Mario Run particularly contributes to expanding the reach of Nintendo IP, each application has different characteristics and goals with respect to these overall business aims. Rather than achieving each of these aims with a single application, we are striving to use multiple applications to achieve these goals for the business as a whole.

In September of last year, Super Mario Run received a major update, version 3.0. At the financial results briefing in October of last year, we reported that Super Mario Run had achieved 200 million total downloads, and the number of downloads has continued to increase since then. We are maintaining a base of approximately 20 million monthly active users. This game helps to maximize the number of people who have access to Nintendo IP by providing a Mario game that a wide variety of users around the world can enjoy.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

During fall of last year, we brought back the nostalgic Super Nintendo Entertainment System as a palm-sized home console. Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition has reached 4 million units in global sell-through.

We have announced that we will resume production for NES Classic Edition this year. We plan to continue selling NES Classic Edition and Super NES Classic Edition this year. We view them as an opportunity to garner interest in Nintendo Switch from those who have not interacted with video games in a long time, or ever.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

This graph shows changes in Nintendo 3DS hardware sell-through, as a total for the Japanese, US, and European markets combined. Although sales are trending lower than last year, the results from our seventh holiday season sales have maintained stable levels. As explained during the financial results briefing in October of last year, the Nintendo 3DS family of hardware has continued to sell steadily without significant fall-off, even after the release of Nintendo Switch.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

New software titles will be released for Nintendo Switch to satisfy everyone, from our game fans to family gamers.

As shown, from February onward we will be releasing a wide variety of new software titles one after the next.

More than 300 software titles are already available for Nintendo Switch from other software publishers. Early participation of many publishers has led to the release of software titles in a wide variety of genres.

In addition to the packaged titles available in stores, many unique download-only titles have been released in Nintendo eShop, providing consumers with an even wider selection of software titles.

We believe that the availability of software titles will continue to accelerate as a result of the widespread acceptance of Nintendo Switch by other software publishers. In addition to the software titles you see here, a string of titles in a wide variety of genres will be released in the future.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Looking ahead at the next stage for Nintendo and Nintendo Switch, we believe we need to offer very Nintendo-like “new forms of play.” One of those efforts is Nintendo Labo, which we announced just the other day.

Consumers around the world who watched this video had generally favorable responses, including some who voiced delighted surprise that Nintendo had once again done the unexpected. The release is set for April, so this was just a teaser to unveil the product. We will introduce the full particulars for Nintendo Labo over the course of the
weeks ahead through hands-on events and a variety of promotional activities by Nintendo.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Next let’s talk about Nintendo Switch Online, the paid subscription service that expands the online functionality of the Nintendo Switch. We reported previously that the service would launch in 2018, and now the official start time has been set to September 2018. Work is progressing on ways to further heighten the gaming experience for consumers. Details will be made available as they are finalized.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Take a look at this graph. It charts the console attach rates for the top four Nintendo software titles for Nintendo Switch. For comparison, there is a graph for sales after the same amount of time had elapsed for Wii. Wii Sports was an explosive trigger for Wii sales. Wii Sports was bundled with the Wii console in the North American and European markets.

Graying out the bundled portion of Wii Sports sales yields the results shown. The blue remainder represents the ratio
of stand-alone Wii Sports software sales to total hardware sales in Japan, the US, and Europe.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Nintendo Switch is now in a phase of expanding adoption, and our business focus moving forward must consider approaches for both those who have already purchased Nintendo Switch and those considering a purchase.

A primary objective will be to maintain the interest of consumers who have already purchased Nintendo Switch to encourage their continued gameplay. And to further expand our base, it will be critical to see a wider range of consumers purchase Nintendo Switch.

We were able to offer multiple hit titles early on for Nintendo Switch that serve as powerful drivers for hardware sales. These kinds of titles can broaden the user base for the hardware and help sustain hardware sales. I mentioned the sales numbers for these different titles, but the release of multiple hit titles at the time of the launch of new hardware has significance beyond the mere fact that certain numbers of units were sold for individual titles.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Nintendo Switch is a video game system that offers a new kind of experience, summarized by the concept of a system that can be played anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. It is a home gaming system that can be taken out on the go. By sharing the Joy-Con controllers, you can begin to play a game immediately at any time with anyone, anywhere.

In Europe, a campaign was launched last year to encourage people to post images on Twitter about their play with Nintendo Switch using the hashtag #OnlyOnSwitch. The pictures you are viewing are from that promotion. We see consumers enjoying Nintendo Switch in places and in ways unimaginable before, to fit different styles of play.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

First let me talk about last year’s holiday season. At last year’s financial results briefing in October, I noted that the big challenge for Nintendo Switch in its first holiday season was to gain the support of a wide range of consumers. I also noted that we would expand production in order to supply the product in stable quantities for the holiday season. This was the result:

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