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Nintendo published a new Super Mario Run trailer that shows off the title’s three different modes. Along with standard game, you’ll also be able to partake in Kingdom Builder and Toad Rally. Watch the video below.

Nintendo lifted the embargo on Pokemon Sun/Moon this morning, and a number of reviews are in. So far, the reception has been very positive.

Here’s a look at some of the early verdicts:

Nintendo Everything – “Thumbs Up”
IGN – 9 / 10
GameXplain – “Loved”
Game Informer – 8.5 / 10
VG247 – N/A
Eurogamer – “Essential”
Destructoid – 9 / 10
Nintendo Life – 10 / 10
Nintendo World Report – 8 / 10
DigitalSpy – 5 / 5

Update: Super Mario Run’s European pricing is €9.99 / £7.99.

Original: Super Mario Run will launch for iPhone and iPad on December 15, Nintendo has announced.

The game will be free-to-download as previously announced, allowing players to try elements of the three different modes for free. However, those who put down the one-time payment of $9.99 can receive full access to each of the modes.

Super Mario Run will work with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS 8.0 or later. Beginning at launch, the game will arrive in 151 countries and regions. English, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, and traditional Chinese language options are all supported.

Head past the break to read today’s announcement in full.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Pokemon Sun/Moon (3DS) – 9/10/10/9
Sengoku Musou Sanada Maru (PS4/PS3/PSV) – 9/9/8/9
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (PS4/PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Code:Realize Shukufuku no Mirai (PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Mafia III (PS4/XBO) – 7/8/8/8
Aikatsu Stars! My Special Appeal (3DS) – 7/8/8/7
Princess wa Kane no Mouja (PSV) – 7/8/8/7
Otome Riron to Sono Shuuhen Bon Voyage (PSV) – 7/8/7/7
Torikago no Marriage ~Hatsukoi no Tsubasa~ (PSV) – 7/7/7/7
LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids (3DS/PSV) – 6/7/8/7
Id: Rebirth Session (PSV) – 6/6/7/8
Traveling Stars (PSV) – 7/7/7/6

Yesterday, a report published by Emily Rogers suggested that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild wouldn’t be making Switch’s launch in March. Two additional sources are now backing up that claim.

Rogers originally mentioned that Breath of the Wild’s localization would run through the end of the year. She added that the game would then require about four-to-six months of testing. Today, Eurogamer writes that they’ve been “told of the same schedule, as Nintendo is committed to launching the game in as close to perfect a state as possible after so long in development.”

Separately from Eurogamer, Laura Kate Dale of Let’s Play Video Games wrote on Twitter a few hours ago that “Breath of the Wild missing the Switch launch lines up with info I had heard but not multi sourced. Don’t expect it in March.”


Famitsu reports that 262,961 units of the Nintendo Classic Mini: Famicom have been sold in its four days on the market. Sales in Japan are expected to continue as the holiday season approaches.


Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Heroes, an upcoming 3DS baseball game from Konami, will be featuring a Mario costume and a “Heroes Mode”. The Mario costume will enable special music and fire-based throw and swing abilities. Heroes Mode lets players befriend and recruit various characters to their baseball team as they travel the Powerful Archipelago and compete to win a baseball tournament. You can watch trailers featuring both of these features below:

The game will release December 15 in Japan.


Update: Here’s the boxart:


Original: Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death will release for the 3DS on March 30 in Japan. The game will cost 5,800 yen. There is also a Treasure Box version of the game, retailing for 12,800 yen, which includes a visual book, soundtrack, two waterproof posters, six tin badges, and download codes for 3DS themes featuring Miksasa and Levi. First-print copies of both versions will also have a download code for an Eren theme, and first-print copies of the Treasure Box edition will have one for an Erwin theme.

The game will center around an original character, who, while investigating outside humanity’s defensive walls, gets trapped beneath an old castle. Their 3D maneuver gear is damaged, and thus they and a partner must find their way out of the underground.

Koei Tecmo has also released a teaser trailer for the game, which can be viewed below:


Aqua TV footage

Posted 8 years ago by in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

Aqua TV, a virtual aquarium for the Wii U, will be hitting the European eShop this week, and Nintendaan has provided some footage of the game. Dive in below:

It’s time, yet again, for new Special Stages in Pokemon Shuffle. This week brings a new stage featuring Carracosta, as well as repeat runs of Talonflame, Articuno, and a safari. The safari features Roggenrola, Fletchling, Boldore, Fletchinder, Numel, Gigalith, and Camerupt. Carracosta, Talonflame, and the safari will run until November 29, while Articuno will run until the 22nd.


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