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Play-Asia is again taking orders for the Nintendo Classic Mini: Famicom. To nab a system, head on over here. Keep in mind that these usually don’t last very long!


Nintendo is once again conducting Wii U and 3DS early next week. Certain network services such as online play and rankings will be impacted for a couple of hours on Monday in North America, and Tuesday in Europe.

The schedule is as follows:

– 4 PM PT (November 14) – 6 PM PT (November 14)
– 7 PM ET (November 14) – 9 PM ET (November 14)
– 12 AM in the UK (November 15) – 2 AM in the UK (November 15)
– 1 AM in Europe (November 15) – 3 AM in Europe (November 15)


To ring in the launch of the NES Classic Edition, a special event was held at Nintendo NY. We now have a few photos of the event straight from the big N. For a look at the fun last night, hit up the gallery below. You can also read their descriptions below.

Photo 1

In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, fans line up to be one of the first to purchase the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition system, which comes loaded with 30 retro games, at Nintendo NY on Nov. 10, 2016.

Photo 2

In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, a consumer plays Super Mario Bros., which is one of 30 classic NES games built into the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition system at an event at Nintendo NY on Nov. 10, 2016


If there’s one thing Monster Hunter is known for, it’s the various collaborations each game features. The latest issue of V Jump is now teasing a partnership with Detective Conan – otherwise known as Case Closed. According to the magazine, two pieces of armor based on the manga are planned, though no further details or images are included.


Today, Japanese TV show Game Center CX aired its final episode featuring Pokemon Red/Green. Check out the final episode below to see if Arino manages to catch them all:

Nintendo Badge Arcade was released one year ago in Europe and North America – to celebrate this, Nintendo is running a special celebration in both regions.

In Europe, all paid plays are 50% off till November 18th. In addition, you also get two free plays each day during that time period.

In North America, all paid plays are 50% off till November 17th (in NA, the promotion started yesterday, on November 10th) . You also get a total of four free plays – two on November 10th and two on November 14th.

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After yesterday’s interview with, Eurogamer also got the chance to sit down and talk with Mike Quigley, Niantic’s chief marketing officer, to talk about Pokemon GO. You can read the full interview here; below are a couple of interesting tidbits:

On how the success of Pokemon GO caught them off guard:

“There’s no way to sugarcoat it, we were overwhelmed by how [Pokémon GO] took off. The success of the product caught us out of position in a couple of areas – we fully admit it. The summer was quite painful – no one slept much. But this has always been a marathon not a sprint. You can look back at Ingress and see that.”

“We can look back and wish we had more resources for certain things, but we kind of weathered it and hopefully people say ‘oh, we are hearing from them more now, there’s more transparency’. And for what it’s worth, regardless of headcount or staffing, one of the reasons people weren’t hearing from us is that there were so many things going on with servers and stuff that was, frankly, distracting the company. We just wanted to make sure the game was still up and running. That took everyone and their focus to take care of things.”

One month ago, the official Japanese “Bravely” series Twitter account promised some big news for the series’ 4th anniversary. Today, a new game called “Bravely Default: Fairy’s Effect” was announced. The game will soon enter into a limited-capacity closed beta test. Further details were not announced, including which platform the game will be on, but it seems likely that this will be a smartphone game.

Keep in mind that this does not mean the end of the series on 3DS or Nintendo hardware in general. In Japan, both a smartphone and a web browser game were released between Bravely Default and Bravely Second, so a spin-off title on different hardware is nothing unusual. The title of this game also doesn’t seem to imply that it’s a sequel to Bravely Second.

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The release of Pokemon Sun & Moon is almost upon us and Nintendo has seemingly stopped with the regular video releases that reveal new Pokemon. However, CoroCoro magazine apparently isn’t stopping anytime soon. Scans of its latest issue have leaked today, and they show two new Ultra Beasts, one new Pokemon and exclusive Z-Moves for the starter Pokemon.

Interestingly, the names / numbers of the Ultra Beasts are not revealed – however, it seems like these Ultra Beasts might be version exclusives, based on the layout of the magazine page and their colors. CoroCoro also states that the new Pokemon is quite a mystery, and wonders how it is related to Solgaleo and Lunala. Decidueye’s unique Z-Move is called “Shadow Arrows Strike” in Japan, while Incineroar’s is called “Hyper Dark Crusher”.

More and clearer scans will likely pop up soon; we will keep you updated.


The release of Pokemon Sun & Moon is getting ever closer, and we’ve reached another milestone today – the final event in the demo version is available today. Talk to the woman inside the building at the marina to see her off on her journey. As a reward, you will get a Comet Shard to send to the full game, which can be sold for quite a lot of money. Note that you can only start transferring items (and Greninja) once you actually have save data from the full version.

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