This week’s expanded Japanese software sales are as follows:
01./00. [PS4] Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
02./01. [3DS] Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition
03./03. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
04./02. [3DS] Style Savvy 3: Kira Kira Code
05./00. [PS4] Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
06./05. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 #
07./06. [3DS] Bravely Second: End Layer
08./04. [WIU] Xenoblade Chronicles X #
09./07. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire
10./34. [PS4] Dying Light
11./08. [WIU] Mario Party 10 #
12./09. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
13./10. [3DS] Yo-kai Watch 2: Shin Uchi
14./13. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf #
15./12. [WIU] Dragon Quest X: Inishie no Ryuu no Denshou Online
16./30. [PS4] Tropico 5
17./11. [3DS] Theatrhythm Dragon Quest
18./14. [WIU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U #
19./19. [3DS] Xenoblade Chronicles 3D |new 3DS|
20./24. [PS3] Pro Baseball Spirits 2015
Nintendo recently updated the Japanese 3DS app Collectible Badge Center with another wave of Animal Crossing badges. You can check them out in the video below.
During a mall event tour in Japan, The Great Ace Attorney producer announced that Capcom is planning on releasing a demo on the Japanese 3DS eShop. It will basically be the same one as the one shared at Monster Hunter Festa, but it will allow those who couldn’t attend to give The Great Ace Attorney a try.
The Great Ace Attorney’s demo weighs in at 48.9 MB and offers 30 uses. Unfortunately, there’s no word yet on when it will be hitting the eShop. We should hear something more concrete soon.
Nintendo uploaded a new Splatoon “Extended Cut” video that seems to take some cues from the recent commercials. Give it a look below.
Update 4: Nintendo has officially announced the hour extension. The company also apologized for today’s inconvenience.
The Splatoon Global Testfire has been extended until 5pm PT. We apologize for any connection issues experienced earlier in the day.
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) May 23, 2015
Update 3: The hour is up, but we’re hearing reports of people getting in. Keep trying, folks!
Update 2: The official word from Nintendo:

Update: About 15 minutes in, and it seems a ton of people are experiencing issues!
Nintendo is holding one extra round for Splaton Global Testfire, and it has just now begun. This hour-long session will allow players to go hands on with the game’s multiplayer for a final time before launch.
Splatoon is arriving on May 29 – next Friday.
The amiibo situation has been out of control almost since launch. Nintendo hasn’t been shipping enough figures for a number of characters, and scalpers have been taking advantage of the situation to drive up the prices on sites like eBay.
Based on a rumored internal email stemming from GAME, it seems that Nintendo is starting to crack down on things. Apparently, Nintendo UK has sent new rules to major retailers, and the company is now actively enforcing the 1 amiibo per customer rule forcibly. That means consumers are only able to purchase one unit of each character. It’s all being done in attempt to cut down on the reselling market.
I haven’t seen the email myself, but this information comes from the trustworthy information-leaker Liam Robertson. Assuming it’s true, it’s nice to see Nintendo finally looking to address some of amiibo’s issues.
Neostream turned to Kickstarter in April to help fund “Little Devil Inside”. The project ended up reaching its $250,000 AUD goal a couple of days ago, and the team then announced a Wii U stretch goal of $270,000 AUD. That mark has now been reached so we’ll be seeing Little Devil Inside on the Wii U eShop sometime after summer 2016.
Below is a brief overview of the game:
Little Devil Inside is a truly engaging 3D action adventure RPG game where you are thrown into a surreal but somewhat familiar setting with humans, creatures and monsters to interact with, learn and hunt – journey, survive and discover the world that exists beyond.
This game is not just about killing arch-demons and saving the world. Take in the atmosphere and live a realistic life in an unrealistic world. This is a game that tells stories about people with ‘unusual’ jobs such as hunting monsters and what happens in their everyday life doing so.
You can check out the Little Devil Inside Kickstarter campaign here. There are two days remaining before it ends.
Ronimo Games released the nineteenth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is 1 Helga, 4 Master Chefs, 4 Berserkers and 1 Sand Witch versus 1 Siege Troll, 2 Nagas, 2 Axethrowers, 2 Barrelriders and 1 Corpse Explode spell. Check it out below.
How does Dragon Quest VIII’s new 3DS version stack up to the PlayStation 2 original? You can get a look at the images above and below. 3DS is on the left while PS2 is on the right.
I do want to point out that all of these screenshots aren’t direct-feed. Still, they should give you a decent idea as to how the two versions compare!

A new Skylanders game is coming at some point this year. Much of the project has been shrouded in mystery, but the company did say back in February that it will be “innovative”. While Activision has been keeping quiet for the most part, we appear to have an important detail about what’s new in the latest Skylanders entry.
Liam Robertson, who tends to be in the know when it comes to cancelled games and titles that are in development, wrote on Twitter today that this year’s Sklanders will feature vehicles. Robertson also said that the game is planned for all major gaming platforms, which should (unsurprisingly) include Wii U.
Activision has typically announced its Skylanders games in the spring, but this one still hasn’t been officially revealed. Perhaps we’ll hear something at E3?