The ever so elegant Psychic/Grass type legendary from Johto, Celebi, is now available for capture for the first time in Pokémon Shuffle! This event is to celebrate 3.5 million downloads worldwide for Pokémon Shuffle – another huge milestone for the free-to-play match-three.
The first time you’re able to beat the stage, you’ll be awarded 1000 coins. This special Celebi event will go until May 18th, so you have a few weeks to catch the mythical Pokémon! Don’t forget to Check In and download the new Version 1.1.11 patch to gain access to the event, or else you won’t be able to do anything – like the GS Ball.
Author: Kirara
Mario Kart as a franchise has been around for a long time– twenty-three years to be exact. Although that seems like awhile, it really isn’t for a series from Nintendo; they have a history of creating franchises that are able to stand the test of time. In 1992 when Mario Kart had its debut on the Super Nintendo, it was dubbed Super Mario Kart. Fast forward twenty-three years and we now have Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, and after five games for home consoles – three on portable, and even three in the arcade released in Japan – I think it is safe to say that Mario Kart has been a successful franchise. But what if it wasn’t Mario Kart? What if, instead of basing the game initially on the Mario series, it was simply Nintendo Kart or even Smash Kart? Is that something that would have seen as much notoriety then as it could today?
[Interview] Legend of Kay Anniversary dev on the decision to remake the game, improvements, and more
The news of Legend of Kay’s revival was unexpected, to say the least. It originally launched for the PlayStation 2 back in 2005, and ended up as more of a niche platformer for the console. Yet now the game is back in a remastered format for Wii U and a few other platforms, thanks to Nordic Games and developer Kaiko.
Nordic recently announced that Legend of Kay Anniversary is slated for spring. With the title’s launch coming sooner rather than later, we caught up with Kaiko’s Peter Thierolf for an interview. We asked Thierolf about why Legend of Kay is returning after so many years, what sort of improvements are being implemented, how it will play on Wii U, and more.
Read on below for our full interview.
Let’s Talk #5: Your thoughts on Mario Kart 8’s new DLC and 200cc mode
Mario Kart 8’s second wave of DLC has finally arrived. Players now have access to eight additional courses, three new characters, and four more vehicles. Plus, let’s not forget the new 200cc mode that can be obtained through the latest update! Given all of the new content that Mario Kart 8 has added, it seems like the perfect topic for this week’s Let’s Talk.
Unlike previous Let’s Talks, I don’t have much to say about this one… yet! That’s largely in part because I just haven’t had any time to give the new DLC a go yet. I’m hoping to change that sometime this weekend. That being said, I absolutely love the courses in this latest DLC batch. Ribbon Road might be my favorite based on what I’ve seen due to all of the little details.
How many of you have gone hands-on with the new DLC? What’s your favorite track? How are you liking the new characters? Have you tried out 200cc yet? Would you be interested in seeing even more Mario Kart 8 DLC? Sound off in the comments below!
Last week’s topic: The future of 3D Mario games (highlights)
I personally want a Super Mario 64 more open game. While I think there is some merit in Super Mario Galaxy, (apart from the Wiimote controls), I quickly grew bored of the extremely linear level design. Besides, I think it’s been a while since we had a 64-style Mario game.
I think we need a balance between linearity and exploration. I think that is one of the things Super Mario Sunshine did well, at least conceptually. Much of the shine collecting occurred in a walled garden setting, whereas there were also linear courses (albeit they were somewhat dull).
I would not mind something like that in future Mario games, having exploration based worlds where you collect stars by completing missions, collection red coins, searching for hidden coins or star parts, and competing in races but also having these worlds connect to more linear courses that really test your platforming, though unlike Sunshine’s somewhat dull courses these could be more like courses from Super Mario 3D Land/World or Galaxy.
I don’t want another Galaxy game because I think the Galaxy mechanic would lose it’s wonder after a 3rd game. I’d still buy it if they made one though, but I’d prefer they didn’t.
I don’t want another 3D World either though… The games felt fun, but extremely underwhelming, making it not really feel like a main Mario game in the series. A sequel to Sunshine would be nice but if possible, I want a completely new Single Player experience using a newer mechanic for the overall game perhaps.
I doubt it’d happen, but I’d like a new 3D Mario game that mixes it’s elements with the Super Mario RPG game back on the Snes… Yeah I guess you could say I just want a new Super Mario RPG but imagine jumping around like you can in Galaxy in actual inhabited Mario places. Have you seen the villages used in the background for Mario Kart 8 tracks!? Why can’t we explore a world like THAT in video games???
For all of the fresh and welcome adjustments Mario Kart 8 brought to the series, there was one mode that saw a massive set of changes much to the dismay of many: Battle Mode. Doing away with the iconic arena stages prevalent in previous entries, Mario Kart 8 opted instead to re-use existing tracks to create somewhat of a joust around the courses, an unwelcome change to many fans. Combine that with the initial lack of a mini-map, the implication for couch co-op with a twelve-player cap and the fact that the tracks were larger and more open than ever, many fans felt that Nintendo had missed the mark when it came to capturing what the Grand Prix’s little brother was all about. Battle Mode has undergone a number of changes over the eight entries in the franchise. We’ve seen the size of the arena grow from two to twelve, the addition of bikes and countless other tweaks to the original inclusion back in 1992, but is the shift in focus really to blame entirely on Mario Kart 8? What should Battle Mode in a modern day Mario Kart even look like anyway?
At this point, I’m sure most of you are familiar with the N64 kid. But just in case you have no idea what I’m referring to, check out this video:
That video was uploaded over nine years ago, and has gained millions of views on YouTube. It goes to show how much it meant to that person having received a N64 for Christmas!
Brandon Kuzma and his sister Rachel, who are now 25 and 22 respectively, recently starred in a new Taco Bell commercial that attempts to recreate the same scene as shown in the original video. View it below.
Xenoblade Chronicles X wasn’t the only notable game Famitsu reviewed in its latest issue. Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition saw its first verdict, too. Editors handed out scores of 9, 9, 9, and 9 for a total of 36 out of 40.
Just like the Xenoblade Chronicles X review, we’ve now translated Famitsu’s Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition verdict. Head past the break for it in full.
It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! The main highlight this week is Fire Emblem If, which has now climbed into the third spot. Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus has also entered the lineup.
Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between April 9 and April 15.
Girls Mode 3 sold 55,000 copies in its first week in Japan, based on Media Create data. That may not seem like much, but the title is expected to perform well in the longterm.
The last entry in the series, Style Savvy: Trendsetters, moved 66,000 copies in its first week. Media Create points out that the franchise has a long tail for sales, as Trendsetters has sold 381,000 copies in Japan. That’s roughly six times the sales of the first week. While a simple comparison can’t be made because the sales times differ, if Girls Mode 3 keeps its sales close to that of Trendsetters, over 300,000 lifetime sales could be expected.
Media Create also mentions that it will be worth paying attention to the sales of Girls Mode 3 during Golden Week. During this Japanese holiday, game sales tend to rise.