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Yesterday, Dengeki Online published its review of Xenoblade Chronicles X. Gessenkou has since picked through the verdict and has translated a bunch of details. You can find them rounded up below.

– Clearing quests grants access to more party members
– Although you won’t have access to certain things if you don’t progress the story to some extent, you can explore the entirety of Mira right from the start
– The previous game (Xenoblade) set story objectives and gave you freedom to explore before arriving at them, but in this game there’s a much higher degree of freedom, like the developers were saying ‘you can do whatever you want, just do some story quests occasionally.’
– After clearing a certain quest, you’re able to freely re-customize your avatar
– You can even change genders, perfect for moody people who think “I don’t want to look like an old man again today”
– We left NLA and walked from one end of the continent to the other, and there really were no load times. I was surprised that the game didn’t run choppily due to the disc seeks.
– However, there are three points where there are some small loading: when you go in and out of the BLADE Home, use skip travel, or view cutscenes.
– And since this preview version is disc-only, the textures and character assets would sometimes take several seconds to load in when we’d drive around with the Doll at high speeds, or immediately after those load points. I’m interested in seeing to what extent the ‘load time reduction data packs’/digital version can reduce this delay.
– Rock faces and lakes are usually impassable boundaries in games, but if you try hard enough you can continue past them in this game. You can jump up some rocky platforms to scale cliffs, or stealthily swim[by sea] around tough enemies guarding the entrances to continents, which make finding paths through the world very fun.
– The direct path isn’t the only path. If you try going down a path that made you think “maybe I can get there from here,” you’ll find that you will in fact be able to. This kind of accommodating map design is just what you’d expect from Nintendo and Monolith Soft.
– No matter what height you jump from in this game, you won’t take any damage. You can jump all the way down from the top of the Upper Strata in the BLADE Area to the Lower Strata. And the game won’t have to stop and load at all, totally seamless!
– If you don’t plan out your strategy and manage your arts and equipment, the bosses are quite difficult, even for people who are experienced with RPGs.
– But don’t worry, it’s still a Nintendo game. They allow you to lower the difficulty on a boss if you lose to it several times. There’s no penalties for lowering the difficulty, so people who don’t play RPGs often can still enjoy the story.
– When you defeat native creatures, they’ll drop equipment that was used by members of BLADE they defeated/killed. Drops obtained from enemies have different abilities and affixes attached to them, some even have unexpected ones! Searching for equipment with amazing abilities by killing enemies can give it a bit of a [loot-focused game] feel.
– You don’t get money for buying equipment from killing monsters. You can sell the materials you get from them, but that doesn’t net you much cash. So, how do you get money on Mira? The Frontier Net, of course. It’s not just for gathering info on the planet. The person who placed the probe receives payments regularly(fixed intervals), from the citizens of NLA who pay a fee to view images and information recorded by the probes. The more Data Probes you set, the more money you make.
The moneymaking occurs in real time, so you’ll make a lot if you just leave the game there and space out!
– There are tons of Doll weapons and armor as well, that you can freely customize.
– Dolls turn into vehicles when dashing. The frame series don’t just differ in vehicle design, their handling and engine sounds change as well.
– I played this review copy for much more than 100 hours, but there was still so much left to see in the game. There were many things we were unable to fit into this review, so we hope you play it yourself to experience all of its limitless fun!


Due to leaks from retailers, we knew that Legend of Kay Anniversary was happening and was bound for Wii U. Yet it wasn’t until today that publisher Nordic Games made the title official.

Legend of Kay, a 3D-action platformer, originally hit the PlayStation 2 back in 2005. A DS port came to market in 2010. This new version features revamped visuals and a few additional features.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Nordic Games business and product development director Reinhard Pollice said:

Legend of Kay was a true gem on the Playstation 2 platform. Our strategy is to focus on our IPs and make them available to as many players as possible and also on the current generation of consoles. We keep our options open to expand on the Legend of Kay franchise in the future.

Legend of Kay Anniversary is due out this summer. On Wii U, it will be priced at $24.99.

Take a look at some screenshots from Legend of Kay Anniversary below. We should have more on the game very soon!

Source: Nordic Games PR

After Splatoon launches, Nintendo will continue supporting the game with additional content. Producer Hisashi Nogami teased upcoming plans while speaking with GamesRadar, and noted that the team hopes Splatoon “will become a franchise that Nintendo can be proud of.”

Below are Nogami’s full words:

We can’t go into a lot of detail on that today, but we do have some plans to follow up with content to keep interest in the game post-launch. We on the development team are thinking of the launch as a first step of sorts. We hope to add to that in terms of content, and even to the degree that we’re hoping that this will become a franchise that Nintendo can be proud of.

Mario Kart 8 received a ton of DLC after launch, and now we’re starting to see the same thing with Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. Might Splatoon be next?


This week’s issue of Famitsu has now arrived, and the latest scans have come in. Bravely Second, Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition, and Xenoblade Chronicles X are the main highlights this week. We’ve also included an ad for Puzzle & Dragons, plus the dedicated Nintendo section of the magazine as the new Mario Kart 8 DLC is covered.

More: ,

Street Gangs launches this Thursday on the European Wii U eShop. For the game’s trailer, check out the video below.

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below.


It’s a pretty slow week, to say the least! Actually, that’s probably an understatement…


Assuming Nintendo doesn’t change anything like last week, all of the digital shops will be experiencing maintenance this coming Monday. That includes the Wii U and 3DS eShops, DSi Shop, and Wii Shopping Channel. The maintenance period will take place between 4 PM ET and 8 PM ET, which translates to 1 PM PT and 5 PM PT.

The mainline Pokemon games will also be undergoing maintenance later today. Here’s the lowdown on that:

From Wednesday, April 22, 2015 5:50 PM
– Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:00 PM Pacific Time
During the maintenance window, the following services may be unavailable.
Nintendo 3DS
– Online Play, Rankings, etc. for Pokémon™ Omega Ruby, Pokémon™ Alpha Sapphire
– Online Play, Rankings, etc. for Pokémon™ X, Pokémon™ Y


A new video gives us some footage from Nikki’s Travel Quiz – a Club Nintendo-exclusive title for Japanese members. View it below.

XSEED Games released a new trailer for Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven. You can find it below.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

PS4 – 15,419
Vita – 14,568
New 3DS LL – 14,047
Wii U – 6,324
New 3DS – 5,324
PS3 – 4,175
3DS LL – 1,309
3DS – 1,144
Vita TV – 491
Xbox One – 170

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

PS4 – 17,885
Vita – 17,517
New 3DS LL – 16,955
Wii U – 6,654
New 3DS – 6,222
PS3 – 4,221
3DS LL – 1,986
3DS – 1,678
Vita TV – 511
Xbox One – 238

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Girls Mode 3 – 55,179 / NEW
2. [PS4] Dying Light – 25,530 / NEW
3. [3DS] Future Card – 16,630 / NEW
4. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 12,175 / 97,117
5. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – 6,926 / 137,211
6. [PSV] 3rd Super Robot Wars Z Tengoku Hen – 6,542 / 143,154
7. [WIU] Mario Party 10 – 5,991 / 118,433
8. [PS3] 3rd Super Robot Wars Z Tengoku Hen – 5,798 / 129,581
9. [PS4] Bloodborne – 5,674 / 190,631
10. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2: Shinuchi – 5,659 / 2,586,851
11. [PSV] Sword Art Online: Lost Song – 5,532 / 177,145
12. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 5,483 / 2,598,884
13. [3DS] Xenoblade Chronicles – 5,330 / 71,167
14. [3DS] Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Kurosensei – 5,196 / 49,827
15. [PS4] Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin – 5,134 / 25,628
16. [PS3] Pro Baseball Spirits 2015 – 4,960 / 88,090
17. [PS4] Saints Row IV: Re-Elected – 4,776 / NEW
18. [PSV] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – 4,543 / 80,779
19. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 4,542 / 961,504
20. [3DS] Theatrhythm Dragon Quest – 4,079 / 104,044

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