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Yesterday we received confirmation that 3D Out Run is coming to the North American 3DS eShop next Thursday. Since SEGA’s 3D Classics tend to arrive on the same day worldwide, it was pretty much assumed that the date would apply to Europe as well. Now we now that this will in fact be the case.

The European eShop is listing 3D Out Run for release on March 12. Pricing is set at €4.99.


Upcoming Strategy RPG Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is on the horizon, coming out March 13th, and with that comes a slew of character profiles to get you familiar with those you’ll be playing as and battling alongside:


Tom Sawyer

Where he is from: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. Tom is very charismatic and convincing, considering one of the most famous tales in the novel is of him conning others into having the privilege of painting a fence he’s supposed to paint and reaping therewards. He, along with his friend Huckleberry Finn, get into a lot of trouble (and some adventure of course) as they live along the Mississippi River.

In the game: Tom Sawyer is the scout who can deploy mines, tricking enemies into traps that will lay waste to them. His special weapon is the punch gun, which in fact stuns enemies by punching them, becoming stunned in the process.


Henry Fleming

Where he is from: The Red Badge of Courage, written by Stephen Crane. Taking place during the Civil War, Fleming is a young private in the Union army who flees the battlefield when faced with danger. He eventually comes to terms with his own cowardice, however, and returns to his comrades in order to take on the Confederate army, finding newfound courage.

In the game: Of course, he is depicted as the All-American hero. He’s the guy you’ll be controlling throughout the game, using the Eagle Rifle to deal damage. His big attack, the Eagle Strike, has him turning into an eagle to attack enemies, causing major damage.


Tiger Lily

Where she is from: Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie. In the novel, she is a Native American princess of the Piccaninny tribe living on the island of Neverland. She attempts to sneak aboard Captain Hook’s ship armed with a knife but is captured and left at Marooner’s Rock to drown. She is saved by Peter Pan when he imitates Captain Hook’s voice and orders the pirates to set her free.

In the game: She is a healer who, as the name would suggest, heals enemies. The technique Healing Wind will help surrounding party members recover HP, including herself.

This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:


1. Donkey Kong Country
2. Donkey Kong Country 2
3. Super Mario World
4. Donkey Kong Country 3
5. EarthBound
6. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
8. Yoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3
9. NES Remix
10. Super Metroid
11. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
12. Golden Sun
13. Super Mario Bros.
14. Zelda: A Link to the Past
15. The Wonderful 101
16. Mario Kart 8
17. Metroid Prime Trilogy
18. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
19. Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
20. The Legend of Zelda


1. Mario Party 10 Trailer
2. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars E3 2014 Video
3. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Commercial
4. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Gameplay Trailer
5. Splatoon – Single Player Campaign Trailer
6. Donkey Kong Swings onto the Virtual Console Trailer
7. New 3DS XL Trailer
8. Nintendo Minute – Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Let’s Clay
9. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Accolades Trailer
10. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse E3 2014 Trailer
11. Great Games to Buy with eShop Cards
12. OlliOlli Trailer
13. amiibo Launch Announcement
14. Introducing amiibo
15. Super Mario World Trailer
16. Blek Trailer
17. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Breaking the Ice
18. Splatoon E3 2014 Trailer
19. Hyrule Warriors amiibo Trailer
20. Linking a Club Nintendo Account Video

Source: Wii U eShop


This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Etrian Mystery Dungeon – Hexer
Mario Party 10 – amiibo Party TV Commercial
Mario Party 10 – Bowser Party TV Commercial
Etrian Mystery Dungeon – Gunner
Affordable Space Adventures Teaser Trailer
Don’t Starve: Giant Edition for Wii U Trailer
Never Alone Wii U Trailer
Runbow GDC 2015 Trailer
Swords & Soldiers II Persian Reveal Trailer
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D – Heir to the Monado Trailer
Nintendo Minute – New 3DS XL first look
OlliOlli Trailer
Donkey Kong Swings onto the Virtual Console Trailer


Etrian Mystery Dungeon – Hexer
Mario Party 10 – amiibo Party TV Commercial
Mario Party 10 – Bowser Party TV Commercial
Etrian Mystery Dungeon – Gunner
Affordable Space Adventures Teaser Trailer
Don’t Starve: Giant Edition for Wii U Trailer
Never Alone Wii U Trailer
Runbow GDC 2015 Trailer
Swords & Soldiers II Persian Reveal Trailer
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D – Heir to the Monado Trailer
Nintendo Minute – New 3DS XL first look
Zombie Incident Trailer
OlliOlli Trailer
Proun+ Trailer
Donkey Kong Swings onto the Virtual Console Trailer

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

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