Speaking of unused Nintendo ads, here’s another one for you. The shot above is a rejected ad for Disaster: Day of Crisis, with a CGI-looking Raymond Bryce.
What you see above is an unused ad for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. A live action Samus model is featured in the shot. We don’t know why this one wasn’t used, sadly!
This week’s issue of Jump provides another update on Bravely Second. In the magazine, it’s confirmed that weapons now have special moves.
According to Jump, each weapon you equip will have up to four special moves. Users are given certain buffs when special moves are used. In one case, Magnolia can use a special move called “Megaton Swing” with axe weapon.
REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–From having Kirby ride on hamsters to turning him into yarn, Kirby games have always experimented with inventive visual styles and unique game play. Launching for the Wii U console on Feb. 20, the visually striking new adventure Kirby and the Rainbow Curse finds players controlling Kirby exclusively using the touch screen on the Wii U GamePad controller in a world made of clay. By drawing lines on the touch screen with the stylus, the player creates Rainbow Ropes that will help Kirby navigate obstacles and defeat enemies. Three friends can hop in and out at any time using Wii Remote controllers to play as Waddle Dees and assist Kirby, and players can even use compatible amiibo figures once a day, per stage, to power up Kirby with special abilities.
“Kirby and the Rainbow Curse kicks off another absolutely stellar lineup of Wii U games for this year,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “In the first half of the year alone, Wii U owners will be able to adventure with Kirby, party down with Mario and his friends in Mario Party 10, build levels in the Nintendo eShop-exclusive Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars and experience Nintendo’s newest IP with the action-packed Splatoon.”
A translation coming from Nintendo’s recent investor Q&A meeting shows the President of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, admitting that the port strike on the west coast of America has had an impact on shipments regarding amiibo and the New Nintendo 3DS XL.
This would explain the amount of delays, shortages and vague dates we’ve been getting since amiibo first launched alongside Super Smash Bros. for Wii U back on November 21st, 2014, which is the only time there’s been a solid date on an amiibo release in the US. Video games, on the other hand, haven’t been impacted in this strike, as “games are light and can be flown to America”, Iwata says.
Let’s just hope this doesn’t go on for much longer so both the consumers and Nintendo can go about amiibo and any future products stress free.
The Q&A meeting is currently available in Japanese here
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 109. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Segment 1, Intro: Star Tropics makes its first appearance on this podcast, and we discuss some cool tidbits about its development and how it’s similar to Metal Gear Solid in a certain respect.
Segment 2, What We Played: Austin gives his impressions of the New 3DS XL, Laura waxes poetic and tells a story from her time with Majora’s Mask 3D, and Jack updates us on chemistry, computer science, and other collegiate affairs.
Segment 3, Book Club: Our next week of the A Link to the Past book club creates a rift that eventually morphs into a learning experience for everyone involved! Jack likes the Dark Palace and dislikes the Swamp Palace, but Laura and Austin think the opposite! Some interesting notes about Zelda temple design in this segment.
Segment 4, Listener Mail: Listener mails brings about a particularly interesting topic this week: Are 2D Zelda games really just gimped versions of 3D Zelda games? Are they just a stopgap between the “real” Zelda games? We don’t go quite as in-depth as I’d like to someday, but it’s a fascinating idea.
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Monolith Soft updated the Japanese Xenoblade Chronicles X website today. We have a look at another character, plus some other game elements.
New character Ru is introduced by Monolith Soft (voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu). Ru is an inventor and native from Mira, who makes his living by selling his inventions to Nopon and other native species. He has a very curious personality and feels close to the newly arrived humans. Ru also is very familiar with idioms for some reason.
Head past the break for a bit of information the Segment Map and Data Probes.
Toys “R” Us is in talks to sell custom amiibo from creator “Evilos”. While the two sides are in the negotiating phases, everything is proceeding as planned and the fan-made figures will be sold online at some point. Pricing and other details are up in the air at the moment, but we’ll let you know more as soon as we receive more information.