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The new update for Retro City Rampage DX is due out next Tuesdayin North America, Vblank Entertainment has confirmed. European 3DS owners have had access to the patch as of yesterday.

Vblank wrote on Twitter today:

If you haven’t heard about what’s new with the Retro City Rampage DX update, check out this post.


Legend of Kay HD is looking like more of a sure-thing at this point. The game, which first appeared on Amazon Germany last week as “Legend of Kay Anniversary”, is now being listed on Amazon U.S. as well. Legend of Kay HD’s Amazon U.S. listing carries a $25 price point and tentative May 29 release date.

Nordic Games still has not officially revealed Legend of Kay HD. If there’s an announcement, we’ll have it here on the site.


Project Ukulele art

Posted 10 years ago by in News, Wii U | 6 Comments

Project Ukulele – the Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor from Playtonic – is featured in this month’s EDGE. The magazine shares concept art, which you can find above.

In the magazine, Playtonic lead and Gavin Price said: “There’s been so much pent-up passion for doing something like this, because we’ve all been sat on a lot of these ideas since Banjo-Tooie came out.”

The next step for Playtonic is to make a proof-of-concept. The company will then upscale to an “N64-size” team of between 10 to 15 staff, and several former Rare employees are in waiting on these positions.


Update: Back in stock on Amazon again.

For those of you that have wanted to get your hands on the Collector’s Edition of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, you’re in luck! As of the time of this writing, it is currently in stock and available on Gamestop‘s website

Tomonobu Itagaki has taken to Facebook and has shared another status update for Devil’s Third.

Itagaki said that Devil’s Third is “an unprecedented massive shooter to be played by tons of players”. He adds, “The game contains a lot of elements well over the volume to be provided by two regular games.” Such a large amount of content means the game must be properly developed before it’s ready for launch.

Itagaki goes on to say that Devil’s Third “will be the biggest game of life for me and my colleagues”. The project required two years of concept work, plus four years for actual development.

Itagaki closed his update by thanking fans for their patience.


Update: All sold out! Keep your on the page. Maybe it’ll return later!

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Limited-Edition Bundle is currently in stock on Amazon. Place an order here. If/when it sells out, we’ll update this post as usual.

GameSpot has gone live with a new Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D-centric interview featuring series producer Eiji Aonuma. Aonuma shared some insight into the game, and touched on several other topics as well including returning to time manipulation in the future, amiibo, remakes, and retirement.

Look below for some excerpts from the interview. The full thing can be found here.

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