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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire have sold 1.535 million copies in Japan, according to a report from Famitsu. That’s an impressive stat based on just three days of sales – November 21 to November 23.

Note that sales of the Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Double Pack are included in Famitsu’s number. Download sales, however, are not.

Famitsu also reports that 3DS sales came in at 83,129 units last week, up from 51,390 units the previous week.


Crash Tag Team Racing was in the works for the DS back in 2005. Sensory Sweep was working on the project, which was intended to be as similar to the console versions as possible.

While Radical Entertainment provided Sensory Sweep with character models, the main artist decided to create his own models and textures from scratch. This is because characters would have looked boxy given how they would need to be reduced from thousands of polygons to a few hundred. Sensory Sweep also aimed to create tracks and their layouts based on the other versions.

The exact reasons behind Crash Tag Team Racing’s cancellation on DS are somewhat unclear. Even though only one or two months of development were required before completion, Sensory Sweep was apparently told by the publisher that the portable release would be cancelled as there were concerns about sales due to the imminent launch of Mario Kart DS. Questions have also been raised about Sensory Sweep’s management.

Crash Mania posted up some images of Crash Tag Team Racing for DS. You can find them above.


Two new games will be available on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console next week. They are as follows:

Famicom Wars (Famicom, 514 yen)
Soccer (Famicom, 514 yen)

The games above are hitting the Japanese eShop on December 3.


The Japanese Splatoon Twitter account has continued to publish new content from the game. Check out a new set of images above, and some new information below.

This image was sent by one of our researchers.
It appears to be a sketch of the Octopus Army Corps Base, which is the setting for Hero Mode. It seems as though it was made using the remains of an ancient civilization. It seems to be using very familiar things…or is it just my imagination?

This is a sketch from the secret investigator. This inkling boy is using a giant paint roller. You can customize all your weapons and clothes; like t-shirts and glasses. Inkling are very fashionable!

In turf battles, you can use special weapons by painting the ground and building up power. Below is one of these, the ‘Barrier’. For a short time, this will rebound all of the opponent’s attacks. It appears that there are other kinds of special weapons to be found as well.

Squidssquirt ink to create a substitute to escape their predators.
It’s an oily substance, difficult to dissolve in water, that becomes a sort of mass.
On the other hand, octopi use ink as a smoke screen. It is water soluble in order to spread.
Like oil and water, even the inks of the two species doesn’t mix.



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