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Since Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s release back in February earlier this year, Capcom has graciously gifted fans of the series free DLC, and now the final pack of free DLC for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is here. The November pack offers a bunch of new quests for arenas and Deviljho, as well as new GX armor. You can check out everything Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s final batch of free DLC has to offer in the video below, and don’t forget you can still get all the previous DLC from prior months if you missed out on any.

Two brand new Splatoon weapons are releasing soon, adding to the already large assortment of weapons Splatoon has been getting since launch with each new update. This time the new weapons come in the form of the Custom Range Blaster and the Custom E-litre 3K Scope!

You can check out the brand new weapons in a few screenshots below:


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In Japan, Nintendo has brought out the final piece of content from Fire Emblem Fates’ second round of DLC. You can watch some footage from “Witch’s Trial” below.

Last month, OXiAB Game Studio announced that free downloadable content will be coming to Canvaleon. We now have information as to what players can expect.

Here’s the full rundown from the developer:


You will be able to access this new game mode from the main menu. It consists of mini-levels for the player to learn all the dynamics of the game. In addition, the “SP MISSIONS” will also incluide 10 totally new levels. These new levels will be a challenge for all the players. Furthermore, the “SP MISSIONS” will have its own song, composed by the author of the Canvaleon’s original soundtrack.

It’s the first Friday of the month, and here is the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – October DLC Pack. This pack focuses on regular quests set in the arena and the slay ground. At the end of the video, it is indicated that the November DLC Pack will be the last! Here’s what to expect:

10 New quests

2 New Challenge Quests

1 Bonus Palico: Oliver

6 New Titles

1 Poogie Costume

1 Guild Card Scene

Here’s the official trailer:


Each time a new Smash Bros. patch is prepared, fans do a ton of data mining in hopes of finding some hidden secrets. There wasn’t anything too shocking in the game’s new 1.1.1 update, though a couple of interesting tidbits were recently discovered.

First, three empty character slots have been added with the patch. Six stage slots have been found as well (split between omega and standard versions). Regarding stages, two may have been for the Pirate Ship given their placement, so this is a bit unclear right now. Therefore it could be a total of two or three stages.



In the images above, all of the Marios are for character placeholders. Meanwhile, Tikibuzzes are stage placeholders. Note that there were only two character placeholders before the new update was issued.

What do these findings mean for the future of Smash Bros. DLC? Only time will tell!

Source, Via

Two more pieces of Fire Emblem Fates DLC have gone live in Japan: Gunner Training Grounds and A Present from Anna. Check out some footage from both below.

Nintendo brought out a bunch of new DLC for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS today. We’re rounding up footage of the different content below.

New Mii Fighter costumes were added to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS as part of today’s new DLC. Check out the official trailer for the outfits below.

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