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Bloomberg recently spoke with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, and has now posted its full interview. Nintendo on mobile was discussed, including when we’ll see Super Mario Run on Android. Virtual reality was a topic as well. Listen to what Reggie had to say below.


Nintendo surprised many of us last night by showing off Switch during The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Zelda: Breath of the Wild took the spotlight, but we were also able to have another look at the Switch unit. IGN captured a few screengrabs and reported on its findings.

The first image features the back of the Switch. When you dive in further and look at it more closely, it appears to have buttons for power, syncing controllers, and Joy-Con release buttons. IGN also speculates that we’ve been given a look at a USB-C or a proprietary port made by Nintendo, as pictured below. The USB-C connection is something that’s been thrown around as a possibility quite a bit over the past few days.



During an interview with Financial Post, Shigeru Miyamoto touched on how Nintendo is handling pricing with Super Mario Run. He and the rest of the company “felt pretty strongly “that we needed to have a form of monetization where you would simply pay once and be able to play as much as you like.”

Miyamoto explained:

“When we first started talking about bringing Nintendo games and Mario to iPhone, we talked a lot about what we would do from a monetization standpoint and debated this even with Mr. Iwata back in those days (Satoru Iwata was CEO of Nintendo until his death in 2015).

Certainly there are a lot of different ways that you can monetize a game. In Japan there’s a mechanic that’s referred to as “gacha,” where you keep spending small amounts for a raffle or lottery to get rare items. There are other ways that you can charge people repeatedly to get money. And there are games that rely on a very small number of people who pay a lot of money and the rest of the players play for free.

CNET is another publication to have put up an interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. Just as we’ve seen with these discussions, much of it is about Nintendo on mobile and Super Mario Run. Reggie confirmed that the mobile game won’t be on Switch, but won’t rule out Apple TV. On the other hand, NES games won’t be coming to smartphones.

You can read up on a roundup of Reggie’s comments below. Be sure to view CNET’s article CNET“>here as well.

Super Mario Run was partially inspired by speedrunners, according to Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto shared that noteworthy nugget of information with BuzzFeed.

The site reports:

“According to Miyamoto, part of the inspiration for Super Mario Run’s auto-running came from a surprising source: ‘super players.’ Watching online videos of these gamers’ astounding speed runs and other feats of gaming skill, Nintendo employees noticed that the gamers never let up on the D-Pad. Mario always kept running, and all of the skill came down to the incredible precision of the jumping. What if, the Nintendo braintrust reasoned, all players could have that experience? Ironically, the most skilled Super Mario players in the world may be partially responsible for introducing Mario to thousands and thousands of first-time players.”

BuzzFeed also reports that Nintendo “considered building GPS into its 3DS” at one point for a Pokemon GO-esque game. However, “Nintendo decided that it made more sense to put the game on millions of devices that already had satellite location tracking.”


Engadget published a few new quotes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. With Super Mario Run taking the spotlight this month, the discussion focused on mobile.

Reggie spoke about Satoru Iwata’s comments from 2011 and how Nintendo’s stance on mobile has changed since then. He also talked about how Pokemon GO has given 3DS a big boost and spoke about how Switch won’t be negatively impacted.

Head past the break for Reggie’s comments. Read Engadget’s full piece here.

53 minutes of footage from The Alliance Alive was shown during a Famitsu live stream today. We’ve posted the full recording below.

Earlier today, we heard rumblings of a new Switch exclusive from Any Arts Production known as Seasons of Heaven. French outlet Gameblog has now come forward with the first screenshots and art. You can check them out below.

Seasons of Heaven, based on the French novel of the same name, is focused around a group of survivors in a post-civilization world. Yann – a young boy with Asperger’s syndrome – and his French bulldog Ani are the primary characters, and both will be playable. The game is running in Unreal Engine 4.

We’ll be seeing even more of Seasons of Heaven next week. Gameblog is promising first gameplay and a developer interview next week.

Source, Via

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Bridge Constructor Playground – $9.99
Teslapunk – $9.99

Wii Retail on Wii U

Metroid: Other M – $19.99

Wii U Virtual Console

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon – $9.99

Nintendo World Report now has a video up containing 14 minutes of footage from the English version of Dragon Quest VIII. Watch it below.

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