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This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

amiibo tap: Nintendo’s Greatest Bits

Wii U Virtual Console

Paper Mario


Star Wars Pinball

3DS Download

Karous -The Beast of Re:Eden-
Heart Beaten
My Horse 3D – Best Friends

3DS Demo

Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition
Adventure Bar Story

3DS Themes

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Hunter’s Weapon Gallery (Available May 1-July 1)

eShop Sales

Wii U and 3DS

– Shin’en Spring Sale – Big savings on select games from Shin’en for spring! Check out these great deals in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U beginning at 9 a.m. PT on April 30 until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 21. Visit for more details.
– How to Train Your Dragon 2 on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, Monster High: 13 Wishes on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, Young Justice: Legacy and more titles from Little Orbit are on sale beginning at 9 a.m. PT on May 1 until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 31.
– Kung Fu Rabbit on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS is 70 percent off (reduced from $4.99 to $1.49 each) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 7.

Wii U

– Pentapuzzle, Toss N Go and other titles from RCMADIAX are up to 50 percent off until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 24.
– Zacisa’s Last Stand is 65 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $0.69) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 14.
– TNT Racers – Nitro Machines Edition is 37 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 14.


– Castle Conqueror Defender, Demon King Box and Quell Memento from Circle Entertainment are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 21.
– Shin Megami Tensei IV is 50 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $14.99) beginning at 9 a.m. PT on May 4 until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 11.
– 3D Game Collection, FunFair Party Games and Murder on the Titanic from Joindots are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 14.
– Tiny Games – Knights & Dragons is 50 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $1.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 14.
– AeternoBlade is 46 percent off (reduced from $14.99 to $7.99) beginning at 9 a.m. PT on May 1 until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 17.
– Winter Sports: Feel the Spirit is 40 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $5.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Oct. 1.


Mega May Starts Next Week – Voting is now over. Check back on May 7 to see which classic Mega Man game fans decided should be released first. For the entire month of May, Nintendo and Capcom are celebrating everyone’s favorite blue bomber with six game releases in the Virtual Console on Wii U. The Game Boy Advance versions of Mega Man Zero 2, Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue, Mega Man Battle Network 3 White, Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun, Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon and Mega Man & Bass will land in the Nintendo eShop throughout the month.

Source: Nintendo PR

Nintendo will release a special Fire Emblem If cover plate for the New 3DS in Japan. It’s due out on June 25, which is the same day that the game launches. Pricing is set at 2,500 yen.

There are also plans to offer the Fire Emblem If cover plate as part of a New 3DS bundle. A 16GB microSD card is set to be included in the package. The bundle will cost 18,500 yen.


At least in Japan, Fire Emblem If will come in two releases. Nintendo will distribute White Kingdom and Black Kingdoms as two unique items.

Speaking about the dual releases of Fire Emblem If with 4Gamer, Nintendo producer Hitoshi Yamagami talked about how you’ll have a different impressions of the characters that appear in the game based on the side you choose.

He said:

I believe so; however, you’ll be plenty satisfied even just by playing one of the routes, so please play whichever one piques your interest. After that, if you get curious about what happens on the other route, give that a try. Once you learn about one route, the other one will become more profound.

Nintendo’s latest financial results won’t be published until next week, but Japanese outlet Nikkei has shared some rough information about what we can expect.

Nikkei reports that Nintendo is estimated to post an operating profit of 25 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 2015. The previous forecast was a profit of 20 billion yen. During the same period last year, Nintendo posted a 46.4 billion yen operating loss.

More: ,

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

PS4 – 20,112
Vita – 15,467
New 3DS LL – 13,981
Wii U – 7,210
New 3DS – 5,329
PS3 – 4,248
3DS LL – 1,253
3DS – 1,095
Vita TV – 558
Xbox One – 201

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

PS4 – 15,419
Vita – 14,568
New 3DS LL – 14,047
Wii U – 6,324
New 3DS – 5,324
PS3 – 4,175
3DS LL – 1,309
3DS – 1,144
Vita TV – 491
Xbox One – 170

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Bravely Second – 100,047 / NEW
2. [PS3] TV Anime Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls G4U! Pack Vol.1 – 24,341 / NEW
3. [3DS] Girls Mode 3 – 23,724 / 78,903
4. [PS4] Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II – 22,609 / NEW
5. [PS3] BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend – 9,084 / NEW
6. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 12,667 / 109,784
7. [PSP] Meiji Tokyo Renka: Twilight Kiss – 10,083 / NEW
8. [PS4] Tropico 5 – 8,706 / NEW
9. [PS4] BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend – 7,589 / NEW
10. [PS4] Dying Light – 7,030 / 32,560
11. [3DS] Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Kurosensei – 6,845 / 56,672
12. [PSV] Clock Zero: Shuuen no Ichibyou – ExTime – 6,306 / NEW
13. [PS4] Toukiden Kiwami – 6,103 / NEW
14. [WIU] Mario Party 10 – 5,033 / 123,465
15. [3DS] Mario Kart 8 – 4,989 / 966,494
16. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 4,973 / 2,603,857
17. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2: Shinuchi – 4,851 / 2,591,702
18. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – 4,770 / 141,981
19. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 4,109 / 2,215,255
20. [PSV] Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Tengoku-hen – 4,001 / 147,155


It’s safe to say that Mario Kart 8 takes more than a few cues from F-Zero. Nintendo’s other racing franchise that started out on the SNES gets comparatively little love nowadays, but several features from this series have worked their way into the latest Mario Kart. The new racetracks are the most obvious influence, with gravity-defying courses that are straight out of F-Zero (quite literally in the case of some of the DLC), but the new 200cc class brings Mario Kart’s speed just a little bit closer to its older brother. Heck, you can even play as a Mii approximation of Captain Falcon if you can track down his elusive amiibo. But for all the inspiration that Mario Kart 8 takes from F-Zero, the two series remain distinctly different. Some people are claiming that Mario Kart is now an adequate replacement for the currently MIA F-Zero (and by some people I mean just one guy on Neogaf), but taking a look at the design philosophy behind both titles shows that they’re completely at odds with each other.

Mighty No. 9 launches for Wii U and other platforms on September 15 in North America and September 18 in other territories, Comcept announced today. Portable versions, including 3DS, “will follow at a later date.” Today’s announcement also confirms that Comcept has teamed up with Deep Silver for publishing duties, and the game will be sold at retail.

Comcept originally hoped to have Mighty No. 9 ready this spring, but the extra time and partnership with Deep Silver allows for extra things. The title will feature Japanese and French voiceovers, extra subtitles languages, and the entire Ray DLC set – featuring an extra level, boss, and playable characters. All of this content will be free to Kickstarter backers and those who purchase the physical version.

Head past the break for a Q&A explaining why Comcept partnered with Deep Silver, why Mighty No. 9 is delayed, and the 3DS delay.

A new update was published on the official Japanese website for Xenoblade Chronicles X, which details some of the game’s downloadable content and online features.

The main draw of the DLC are the new characters – “HB”, “Boze”, “Ierv” and “Aksena”. They each come with their own DLC pack priced at 500 yen, containing the character and three missions. Finishing those missions allows you to add that character, who comes with two unique Artes, to your party. Three of those DLC packs award you with a blueprint for a new Skell, while the other one gives you a blueprint for a new type of weapon.

In addition, there are three more DLC packs containing missions that make it easier to level your characters, earn money and improve their relationships. These are priced at 300 yen each.

Finally, you can buy all of those DLC packs together for 2,000 yen instead of buying them all individually for 2,900 yen.

Check out screenshots of the DLC characters and more in the gallery below!

Source Via

Today’s Iwata Asks for Xenoblade Chronicles X was filled with plenty of insightful information about the game’s development. There were so many interesting details that I figured I summary would come in handy! If you’d like the “cliffnotes” version, read on below.

– Monolith Soft originally wanted to connect the Bionis and Mechonis into one field in Xenoblade Chronicles
– For Xenoblade Chronicles X, Monolith Soft originally talked about creating a whole planet for the game
– Takahashi: “In the end, we created a field that can be developed on a realistic scale by creating five continents around 400km”
– Creating an open-world setting was one of the game’s pillars
– You couldn’t go to a few places that you saw in Xenoblade Chronicles, so Monolith Soft wanted to fix this with X
– It’s possible to go to any location shown on the screen
– Takahashi proposed dividing the area into hexagon-shaped fields so that players would have a better idea about knowing where to go
– Takahashi wrote a lot of the game’s plot; Kojima never saw him write so much before
– Takeda picked out the stories that fit within the game’s content and turned them into scripts
– Takeda was originally the only one assigned as scriptwriter, but Hyodo was brought in since the volume of work was too much for one person
– Hyodo asked staff if he could create additional characters for quest scenarios, and he was told, “Make as many as you want”
– Kojima: “In comparison to how it was with Xenoblade Chronicles and also other games in general, we did not have to be so restrictive about the places to appear in this game”
– Hyodo was able to help create young female characters who could take on important roles, as Takahashi and Takeda like middle-aged male characters
– Including the quests, it took at least 1.5 years to write out the scenarios
– The main story is shorter than Xenoblade Chronicles
– More quest depth than Xenoblade Chronicles
– Kojima says they put in 3000% more depth into the quests
– Similar number of quests as the Xenoblade Chronicles, though “we did put 3000% of our hearts into creating them”
– Quests are more condensed this time around
– Yokota believes this game will last five times longer if they try to complete everything
– Monolith Soft went through a “mass construction” of development in the middle of making the game
– This is because they decided to change the main character into an avatar
– This required some of the story to be rewritten
– Wanted a loosely connected online world since playing alone in a big world may feel lonely
– Game automatically connects online if your Wii U is connected to the Internet
– Random missions are assigned to groups of 32 players
– Can ignore these missions, but you’ll still be rewarded if other players complete them
– There were many discussions about how many choices should be offered for the avatar customizations
– Prior to X’s “mass construction”, Takeda wrote a script expecting to have a main character like the original Xenoblade Chronicles
– This was the first time Takeda wrote a script for an avatar
– Different avatar voices
– Kojima: “From my standpoint, though, I think we were equally struggling with this change. (laughs) The flow of the story changed from being guided by a distinct main character to an avatar designed by the player, so that must’ve been a lot of work.”
– There was talk about whether or not X should have battle voices, but they decided to have them like in Xenoblade Chronicles since they make the game stand out
– 3,000 lines recorded for Xenoblade Chronicles’ battle scenes, but X has 11,000 lines
– Some voice actors lost their voices during recording due to so many lines
– The team asked the voice actors to keep shouting for hours
– Having robots was another pillar for development
– Kojima wasn’t concerned about balancing the Skells since he “wanted the players to experience a great feeling playing with one of these once they obtain one”
– He wanted to have enemies that take awhile to beat as humans could be defeated with one blow while riding a Skell
– It’s expensive to buy a Skell to give players the same feeling as buying a new car in real life
– Skells can be destroyed in one shot if the enemy is strong enough
– Skull insurance: can be fixed for free up to 3 times
– Have to pay an expensive fee if it breaks a fourth time
– Kojima wanted Skells to be broken for good once they were destroyed, but the staff felt that was too harsh
– If you push the button at the right time to abort when the Skell’s HP becomes zero and is destroyed, the Skell will be fixed without having to use insurance (“insurance on insurance” feature)
– Monolith Soft’s Makoto Shimamoto put in this “insurance on insurance” function without Kojima’s consent
– Kojima always wanted to make a game where robots and humans could fight on the same field
– Takeda says volume of X “far surpasses that of the previous Xenoblade game
– Can learn more about things outside of the main story
– “X” is a symbol for an unknown factor

Yokota on the “X”:

Right, we also named the title overseas Xenoblade Chronicles X, and the X symbolized alien life of the unknown, and exploring an unknown planet. In the Japanese version, we refer to the X as “cross,” as in a place that can serve as a crossroad where people can come across one another unexpectedly. The game has an online aspect, so there will be a lot of player interactions, as if they’re meeting each other at an intersection or a crossroads. A lot of intelligent life from other planets will also appear, and interacting with them can be a lot of fun as well. For example, they won’t come to your town unless you find a way to come across and interact with them.

So you can say this is a game where the experience will change depending on the player’s actions. And by the sense of the game being a crossroads, the Skells and humans can fight together. I feel that the “X” in the title really represents a lot of different aspects of the game.

– Kojima and Takakashi didn’t want the game’s soundtrack to be stereotypical
– The team was forced to abandon a bunch of work after changing the main protagonist to an avatar
– Kojima: “(With a deep sigh) Yeah, we threw it all away.”
– According to Takahashi, X’s text “far surpasses that of the previous game”
– Reggie told Iwata that after the announcement of Zelda Wii U’s delay happened, an American game site held a poll about what games readers were excited for since Zelda Wii U isn’t coming out this year, and Xenoblade Chronicles X was number 1

Iwata on how the game is coming out in Japan first:

Since the game is first coming out in Japan, it will be released in America well after everything about the game has been revealed to the public. That raises the hurdle, but on the flipside, if everyone who plays the game in Japan talks about how much they enjoyed the game world, and how their experiences were different from one another, that would be something great for the western audience to hear. If people outside of Japan hear a lot of positive news about the game, I feel like we can throw an answer to the question of what the future holds for JRPGs. It would be this game, this is the answer to that question, in the form of a video game.

A new Iwata Asks has gone live. Following the Xenoblade Chronicles 3D discussion last month, Nintendo’s latest discussion focuses on the spiritual sequel Xenoblade Chronicles X. Read it here.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata sits down with Genki Yokota, Koh Kojima, Kazuho Hyodo, Yuichiro Takeda, and Tetsuya Takahashi to talk all about the Wii U RPG. It’s a lengthy read, but it should be well worth checking out if you have interest in Xenoblade Chronicles X!

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