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The Wii U’s GameCube Controller Adapter won’t just be compatible with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. As stated on Nintendo UK’s official store, the product works “with all games supported by the Wii Classic Controller, Wii Classic Controller Pro and Wii U Pro Controller.”

In other words, the adapter should be usable for a bunch of games. There are quite a few Wii U-specific games that support the Pro Controller, and there are plenty of other titles that are compatible with the Classic Controller/Classic Controller Pro.

Source, Via


This was mentioned in today’s PR, but figured was worth its own post!


Japanese gamers will have not one, but two options when it comes to purchasing the new GameCube controllers. Along with the previously-revealed black option, a white controller will also be available. You’ll find an image of the white controller above.


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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will receive a patch to support Amiibo, Nintendo has announced. A date for the update was not shared, nor are there details available at this time. Stay tuned!



Season of Smash continues on 5th December with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and two waves of amiibo on 28th November and 19th December

7th October 2014 – Strong launches in Europe, the Americas and Australia* have propelled the cumulative sales total for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS to more than 2.8 million worldwide. This first-ever portable instalment of the game has resonated with fans and critics alike, and its initial sales set Nintendo up for a strong Christmas season.

The “Season of Smash” is set for another boost as Nintendo today lifts the lid on the European release date for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, with the fighting series’ first foray into HD landing in European shops on 5th December. The first wave of Nintendo’s interactive amiibo figures will launch a week earlier, on 28th November. Twelve iconic Nintendo characters will be included in the first round, with six more figures set to launch with the second wave on 19th December.

Here is the latest from the Nintendo UK/Europe twitter account;

Today Sakurai explains how Amiibos will function in the Wii U version:


He continues:


Once you do, the trophy of your amiibo character transforms into a Figure Player (FP)!! FPs fight and develop on their own.

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