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The Legend of Zelda Wii U

As part of an interview with Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma, MMGN asked how big of an open world we can expect in the new Wii U game. Aonuma responded by saying that he uses Kyoto as his base.

Check out the conversation between the two below:

MMGN: This is the first truly open world in a Zelda game — you showed how Zelda has progressed since the NES in terms of map layout and movement — so in the biggest world yet, how “big” can we expect?

Mr. Aonuma: In terms of the scale of the new Zelda world on Wii U, I always think of Kyoto as my base.

Do you know Kyoto?

Ummm…a little [laughs]

MMGN also asked how the team plans to reward players for exploring the world of Zelda Wii U. Aonuma’s response was interesting, with him noting that it comes down to gaining “acquired experience” that helps you progress further and better reach your goals.

Polygon has put up a massive feature about Devil’s Third, featuring commentary from creator Tomonobu Itagaki and Danny Bilson, who is also working on the game. There are quite a few interesting quotes here concerning fights with Nintendo and how the company shaped Devil’s Third, hopes of making a trilogy and branching out into other media, and more.

We’ve picked out some comments from Polygon’s feature below. You can find it in full here.

Hyrule Warriors - Agitha and Lana

Famitsu has put up a small image from its latest issue showing off Agitha and new character Lana in Hyrule Warriors. You can find it above.


Prior to this year’s E3, we learned that Satoru Iwata would not be attending the expo due to health reasons. Now we know just what happened exactly.

Iwata explained in an official message today that he suffered from a bile duct growth. Fortunately, it was detected very early and was surgically removed last week.

Iwata is now recovering, though it’ll be a little whole longer before he returns to work. He will not be attending the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders this week.

You can find Iwata’s full message below.

Some Zelda news of a different kind through today’s daily screenshot, as Sakurai explains:

Here’s Link in an outfit based on his ordinary clothes in Skyward Sword! The art style looks a little different, but the actual clothing model is still his usual tunic.

More Hyrule Warriors details have surfaced from Famitsu. Check out the latest below:

– Agitha uses a parasol in battle
– Can call upon and attack with insects
– Lana is an original character
– She is a witch who wields a book of magic in battle
– Can create barriers to brush away enemies
– When the barrier is broken the shock will cause her damage
– Link’s Hook Shot is returning
– Can be used to reach places normally not accessible
– When you have certain strengthening items on hand, it’s possible bring down the moon from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask as an attack


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has previously spoken about unifying its console and handheld development. The company hasn’t said if we’ll ever see a system that embodies both types of hardware, but Nintendo wants its systems to take advantage of the same type of “architecture”.

Shigeru Miyamoto recently commented about what this may mean for the future while speaking with Kotaku. The site went a bit further and even asked if there could ever be a day in which games could be made across Nintendo devices/teams making projects that could be played on the TV/on the go.

Here’s what was shared:

Nintendo 64

Can you believe that the N64 has been around for 18th years? Yes, it’s true! The console originally came out on this very day in Japan, 18 years ago.

The N64 provided us all with some truly memorable experiences. Zelda and Mario both made their jump into 3D for the first time. Rare produced several standout titles like Banjo Kazooie and Conker’s Bad Fur Day. And let’s not forget Paper Mario, GoldenEye 007, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 64, and Super Smash Bros. There were more fantastic games as well!

Hyrule Warriors logo

This week’s issue of Famitsu has another update on Hyrule Warriors. We have news about a pair of new playable characters in the game as well as ones that will be making return appearances from the Zelda series.

First, Famitsu reveals two new playable characters. The first, as far as I can tell, might be Agitha from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. There’s also someone called “Lana”, though it’s unclear who this might be at present. Original character? Princess Lana from the Captain N: The Game Master animated TV series? It probably wouldn’t be wise for me to speculate since the information isn’t detailed. Take this part of the update with a grain of salt for now.

Aside from playable characters, Famitsu also confirms that Argorok – who we’ve seen previously – and Zant from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be appearing in Hyrule Warriors.

We should have more (and clearer) information soon. Only preliminary details have leaked out of this week’s Famitsu so far.

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