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Hello, my spookies and cuties! This week on NEP, we have a special guest: Jonas Kaerlev of Gears For Breakfast, creators of A Hat In Time. Oni Dino and Galen chat with him about love for 3D platformers, game design philosophies, and a ton of underrated gems spanning across genres in gaming. In particular Jonas shares how they used their own branch of Unreal 3 on Switch, the necessity of trying new things in game development, and how they overcame Switch’s limitations and created an amazing experience without any big compromises.

We then cover Doom Eternal’s delay news and all the new details we’ve yet to discuss with Luigi’s Mansion 3. Gooigi is still gross. Partner mechanic should’ve been Daisy. We stand by that.

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Spirit Hunter: NG review

System: Switch
Release date: October 10, 2019
Developer: Experience
Publisher: Aksys Games

When Death Mark initially released in 2017 in Japan, I knew right away that there was something special about it. There have been a few horror visual novel games in the past, but this new IP by Aksys and Experience had a certain vibe and panache to it that was so out there compared to others in the medium that it stuck out and demanded attention. A year later the game would be localized to the rest of the world and confirm the feelings I had of there simply being nothing like it. The horror genre has this incredible way of keeping you at the edge of your seat when you find yourself captivated by the events of what’s going on, and here we are a year later – in what’s now coined as the Spirit Hunter series – as its follow-up, NG, excels, refines, and builds upon its predecessor to tell yet another somber story of the unknown and afterlife, presenting itself in a format with hidden object and adventure elements wrapped in a visual novel delight.

It’s no secret that the Pokemon franchise has a ton of different creatures. We’re just about ready to enter the series’ eighth generation, and over 800 designs currently exist.

As noted in the latest issue of Game Informer, the whole process kicks off with a relatively simple request to an artist involving “a concept of a Pokemon for a particular scenario” or “a specific direction for a new creature.” That artist will then make “quick sketches with few details, which are shown to the team requesting to see if they’re heading in the correct direction.” Feedback provided will lead to several iterations of the design, “with the gaps getting longer and longer each time as the artist adds more detail with each iteration.”

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate still has a long life ahead of it. Just went some may have thought that DLC for the game could be coming to an end, it was revealed during last month’s Nintendo Direct that even more characters are on the way.

Thus far, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players have been able to get their hands on Joker, Hero, and Banjo-Kazooie through DLC. We also know that Fatal Fury fighter Terry Bogard has been confirmed. That means the Smash Bros. Fighter Pass has one more character left, and then an unspecified amount of roster additions will follow.

Let’s think about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s future for a second. Are there any characters in particular you’d like to see join? The possibilities are still endless. If you have any thoughts to share, let us know in the comments below.

When Atelier Ryza was announced, fans quickly noticed that the game looked quite different from past entries. This time around, Gust is employing a more realistic look. We recently spoke with Atelier Ryza producer Junzo Hosoi to learn more about that decision.

Since Atelier Ryza is a landmark title given how it’s an entirely new entry in the franchise free of past connections, the team felt that making an adjustment with the visuals would make sense. The developers “really looked at the lighting and the shadows and the graphical elements.” It’s also the first major change since the Arland series.

Hosoi’s full words:

A new gameplay video has emerged for Pokemon Sword/Shield via the Secret Member’s Club in Japan showing off the first town in Galar. Have a look at the footage below.

Game Freak announced Little Town Hero last year before it disappeared for a long while. However, it resurfaced in a big way during the most recent Nintendo Direct with a release date and announcement that Undertale creator Toby Fox was on board to work on the soundtrack.

To say that this was an unexpected collaboration would be an understatement. In the latest issue of Game Informer, it was explained how the partnership came to be.

Doraemon Story of Seasons

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Call of Cthulhu
Doraemon Story of Seasons
Killer Queen Black
Spirit Hunter: NG
The Alliance Alive HD Remastered (available October 11)
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
Trine: Ultimate Collection
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Editions – $49.99 (available October 15)
Killer Queen Black – $19.99 (available October 11)
Overwatch: Legendary Edition – $39.99 (available October 15)
Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Editions – $49.99 (available October 15)
Spirit Hunter: NG – $49.99
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors – $19.99 (available October 15)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition – $59.99 (available October 15)
Valfaris – $24.99
Zombieland: Double Tap – Road Trip – $39.99 (available October 15)

If you don’t remember what Megaton Musashi is, we can’t exactly blame you. Level-5 announced the multimedia project back in 2016, but has barely shown anything since. There also hasn’t been any major news since last year’s Jump Festa trailer.

Speaking of Jump Festa, Level-5 has announced that it will be returning to this year’s shown with the latest news about Megaton Musashi. We’re not exactly sure what will be shown, but some sort of update will be planned.

Jump Festa 2020 runs between December 21 and December 22. We’ll report back with any additional news that comes our way.


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