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Hamster has quickly become one of the most prolific companies when it comes to bringing back classic games. On a weekly basis, the eShop has been receiving new NeoGeo and arcade titles.

Yet what goes behind all of that? How is Hamster able to bring back these classic games on a weekly basis? In a recent interview with Famitsu, Arcade Archives producer Satoshi Hamada was brought in to answer the import questions. He spoke about working with Nintendo on its arcade titles, the reason Hamster has weekly releases, and what the fast pace of development is like.

It was nearly a year ago that Golf Story debuted on Switch. With that in mind, we recently caught up with Sidebar Games about the well-regarded title.

We chatted with the studio’s Andrew Newey about a number of topics, including Golf Story’s Wii U origins and plans when it was in development for the older console. Newey also discussed some scrapped ideas (including DLC that never materialized), and we also had to ask about Sidebar’s next game – though he was understandably quiet on that front.


One of the more requested features for the Switch version of Paladins are gyro controls. Hi-Rez Studios is following through on those wishes, as the functionality is confirmed to be on the way.

Paladins will be getting gyro controls sometime in November. This was confirmed in the latest episode of Nintendo Minute, which we posted earlier today. For those who missed it, you can see the new controls in action here.

System: Switch
Release date: September 28, 2018
Developer: Arc System Works
Publisher: Bandai Namco

Arc System Works has had a long history of developing and publishing refined fighters going all the way back to the late 90’s with the original Guilty Gear, so it’s undoubtedly a match made in heaven for the studio and Dragon Ball to partner up and deliver one of the best 2D fighters in quite some time, Dragon Ball FighterZ. Having initially been released in January, I’d like to think that Dragon Ball and fighting game fans alike were consumed by it completely. It was difficult to put down as it had an intriguing story, introduced new characters like Android 21, and played and performed like a dream. Fast-forward a few months later, and now Switch owners can experience the fight for themselves with a stellar port that brings with it all the beautiful animations and accessibility with little to no sacrifice other than a missing d-pad.

Mega Man 11

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Mega Man 11 – €29.99
Super Mario Party – €59.99

Earlier in the year, Nintendo filed a patent with the USPTO for a Game Boy-like casing for capacitative touchscreen devices. The idea behind it is that a device can fit inside, which appears to be for playing Game Boy titles.

Siliconera shares the following extra details from the patent:

Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San

Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San has finally secured a release date. Nicalis will be publishing the game on October 30, Nintendo’s website reveals.

Here’s an overview from the listing:

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Disgaea 1 Complete – $49.99 (available October 9)
Goosebumps The Game – $29.99 (available October 9)
Super Mario Party – $59.99 (available October 5)

Capcom is taking Mega Man to the big screen. Today, the company announced that its well-known franchise is getting the Hollywood movie treatment.

As of now, the project is simply known as Mega Man. It’ll be written and directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, with 20th Century Fox handling distribution. Chernin Entertainment, responsible for the Planet of the Apes series, will be in charge of producing with Masi Oka.

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More comments have emerged from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime’s appearance at the 2018 GeekWire Summit. Reggie discussed why Switch uses mobile app for voice chat, how Nintendo is competing for entertainment time as opposed to the Xbox and PlayStation, and more.

Here’s the roundup:

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