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This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

Reggie on Metroid: Samus Returns…

“We wanted to make it clear that Metroid is an important franchise for us. As we think about how to satisfy the needs to the Metroid fans, we needed to make sure they understood there was a great console experience coming, in addition to Metroid: Samus Returns coming on Nintendo 3DS. That’s what we wanted to make sure it was clear that it wasn’t one or the other, that we were going to support both of our platforms with a great new Metroid experience.”

– Metroid: Samus Returns wasn’t included in the pre-recorded presentation for two reasons
– One of those being the the company has learned people seem more interested in learning about Switch (and other console experiences) first, at least at E3

This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

On how Nintendo has more developers now than ever before…

Fils-Aime … we have many more developers today working on our content than we did five years ago or even 10 years ago. Internal, right. Exactly. We’ve got that new development building in Kyoto that’s full of hardware and software developers. So we have a lot more development staff than we did at the beginning of the Wii U generation and certainly throughout the Wii generation.

On why Switch requires a phone for voice chat…

Fils-Aime: We actually think that the phone is going to deliver a better, more robust execution. In terms of the APIs that we can build into an app, the fact that phones are ubiquitous, the fact that it allows us to do much more rapid improvements and updates to the service, that’s why we think a phone execution—and specifically a mobile app execution—is going to be better for the consumer.

So let’s be clear. What you’ve seen is the execution by one particular supplier. That is not going to be the only solution.

It’s going to require a phone. It’s going to require a mobile device and be delivered by an app.

Nintendo introduced a new character for ARMS during its Treehouse Live stream today. We have a first look at Max Brass, who is described as the greatest champion in the history of the Grand Prix.

Max Brass will be out this month following an update. ARMS will be getting another update in July which adds a Spectator Mode.

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This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“The internal conversations we have is that on one hand, the development teams would love to showcase their content to a wider base, and certainly in short order the install base on Nintendo Switch will be larger than the install base we ended with Wii U.

“So there is that opportunity. What also drives the discussion, though is ‘what more will there be?’ Meaning, let’s take Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as an example. It needed to be the definitive version of that software for the consumer to be as excited as they are. Pokken Tournament DX with the additional fighters, the additional Pokemon, that was important for it to be an element of the game. What we are internally resisting is just a pure port, versus thinking about how not only do we showcase a game to a wider audience, but how do we make sure that there’s something more? So it’s an active discussion.”

This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“As Nintendo looks at the overall online digital experience there’s a recognition that there’s a lot of work to be world class. And we pride ourselves … We believe our IP is world class. We believe that when we create a piece of hardware it’s world class. We need to get our digital environment world class. And that’s what we’re working hard to do.”

– There are features that Nintendo is specifically prioritizing that he knows consumers expect
– Those include voice chat, but also entertainment services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, which Nintendo “recognizes are important for a device you can take with you”

Nintendo provided a first look at a new feature in Super Mario Odyssey during its Treehouse Live stream at E3 today. When the game ships in late October, two-player co-op will be included. One player will control Mario while the other controls Cappy. Super Mario Odyssey

This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“You know, for us, we believe that having hands-on opportunity married to an announcement is really the best way to do it. And so let’s take Super Mario Odyssey for example. We could have announced it months ago, but we weren’t yet ready, the team wasn’t ready, to show it and to let the consumer really understand visually how the hat mechanic works, how the capture mechanic comes into play. And so that’s how we think these through.”

“For certain games, games that will be in development for, let’s call it a decent amount of time, like Metroid Prime 4 — also, given that it’s a franchise that we know people have been very eager to get some news — that’s when, fine, we’ll share it. We’ll share it early. Others, we want to hold closer in and reveal it when the gameplay is going to be available. It literally is game by game, title by title, how we make that decision.”


The third and final day of Nintendo’s E3 2017 festivities will be kicking off soon. Treehouse Live will be back at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM in the UK / 7 PM in Europe and will be airing all day long.

You can watch Nintendo’s latest E3 activities below. We’ll bring you any notable news we come across as well as recordings of each Treehouse segment.

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