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The new Super Mario Maker level from Game Center CX’s Arino Kacho will debut next week, Nintendo has announced. Confirmation has also sent out that the course will be made available worldwide. Those who complete it will be able to use a costume based on Arino throughout the game.

Source, Via

A few new 3DS themes are out now in Japan. Here’s the full lineup:

Haikyu!! – 200 yen
Star-Mu – (Team Otori) – 200 yen
Gero (Dreamer) – 200 yen
Cat Collection – 200 yen
Mochi Mochi Panda (x3) – 200 yen each


Several new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on November 4. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

Wii U Download


Wii U Virtual Console

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (GBA, 702 yen)
Star Luster (Famicom, 514)

3DS Download

The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 (800 yen)


The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

Nintendo Inquirer managed to get its hands on stock numbers for upcoming amiibo. Given data obtained from New York, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Milwaukee, it appears that Lottie will be receiving more than double the stock compared to the other Animal Crossing characters. This suggests that Lottie will be a Target exclusive in the United States.

Stock numbers are also in for Mewtwo. It’s expected that there will be around 12 units for smaller stores whereas larger ones will be loaded with 24-48 amiibo.


Nintendo released official videos for Mario Party Advance, Hyper Sports 2, and Stinger on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Watch them below.

Atlus USA just kicked off a live stream for Stella Glow. You can watch it on Twitch after the break, and we’ll update the post with an archived version once it’s finished.

This Friday, Europe will be getting Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, including a limited edition version at retail. You can take a look at an unboxing of the package below.

Thanks to Andre P for the tip.

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes has a different localization in North America and Europe. For the game we’ve received in the states, there’s one portion of dialogue inspired by the doge meme.

The image above has sparked some discussion, as some feel that the Treehouse has been going a bit overboard with meme references as of late. How do you guys feel about these types of references?

Source, Via

Nintendo announced a substantial update for Super Mario Maker earlier today. Without question, one of the highlights is that mid-level checkpoints will be incorporated.

Nintendo of Europe actually shared another tidbit about checkpoints that was not in the North American announcement. In total, users will be able to place two flags per level. Players will restart from checkpoints instead of the beginning if they lose a life.

The new Super Mario Maker update will be available on November 4.

Source: Nintendo PR

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