Here’s a Podcast – Episode 114! (Wario’s Woods)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
There was a Nintendo Direct today! Do you want to hear some people talk about it? Well, we’ve finally given in to the man and decided to talk about news.
Here are today’s chapters:
1. Intro
2. Picture of the Day
3. Game of the Week: Wario’s Woods
4. Where is Steve?
What we played
5. Laura removes her own heart in The Sims 4
6. Austin vs. Donkey Kong (Mario vs. Donkey Kong)
7. Laura looks for cheap love in Story of Seasons
8. Nintendo Directs us to Mario Kart 8 DLC, and more.
Shenanigans Redux
9. Freetures
10. Animal Crossing Music Break
Listener Questions Mail
11. The “right” way to play Fire Emblem?
12. Maybe microtransactions are just like modern arcade machines?
13. Jack’s favorite email about A Link to the Past.
Shenanigans Finale
14. Wario’s Woods Quiz
15. Devolution and Ending
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 113! (Tetris 2)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
There was a Nintendo Direct today! Do you want to hear some people talk about it? Well, this isn’t really the podcast for that, but we do talk plenty about games, why they’re good, why they’re bad, and why you should play them. Because we love games.
We love game news. But we mostly love games.
1) Intros, hello, what to expect
2) Picture of the Day (new segment)
3) Game of the Week: Tetris 2!
4) Personal Grievance Time (PGT)
What we played
5) Austin takes a key for coming in. (Super Ghouls n Ghosts)
6) Laura finds love again, and again, and again. (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
7) Jack tries emulating N64, and realizes it sucks.
Shenanigans Redux
9) Check out that handshake. (Nintendo and DeNa and Zelda delay, the only timely segment)
Book Club
10) A Link to the Past – Book Club FINALE
11) And the Master Sword sleeps again… FOREVER! (Final Thoughts)
Final Shenanigans
12) Tetris 2 quiz!
13) Ending.
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 112! (Kirby’s Adventure!)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Hello everyone! This is Satoru Iwata from Nintendo here to present to you Here’s a Podcast – Episode 112. As usual, this is an enhanced podcast, which means that– if your player supports it– you can skip chapters and look at images we reference right on your listening device, such as a smartphone or a tablet. Speaking of smartphones and tablets, I’d like to speak a little bit about a new partnership we’re forming with DeNa. Here are today’s podcast chapters:
1. Intros, what to expect, and other things
2. GAME OF THE WEEK – Kirby’s Adventure
What we played
3. Jack and Austin’s bad fur day. (Conker’s Bad Fur Day)
4. Vacation slides with Laura.
5. Austin learns to love. (Sin & Punishment: Star Successor)
6. Jack finally digs into a new game. (Shovel Knight)
7. Title screen songs, and some other things. (Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+)
Shenanigans Redux
8. Earthbound farms endorsement.
9. Site Features.
10. Ace Combat Music Break
11. Book club begging.
Listener Mail
12. Does Mario Maker spell the end of NSMB? What’s the future of 2D Mario?
13. What do you think about Donkey Kong Country?
14. Games that surprised us with how good they were.
15. Game endings, and other ramblings.
16. Our Kirby recommendations.
17. Do we want a stylus-controlled Zelda on Wii U?
Final Shenanigans
18. Kirby’s Adventure Quiz!
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 111! (Yoshi)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 10 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
We’ve finally upgraded to enhanced podcasts! Whenever we reference an image during the show, look at your podcast application and it should display the image we’re talking about if it supports the AAC version of the show. You can also head over to to view the gallery there if you prefer.
Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 111. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Have you always wondered what people loved about The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past? One of the things is how the game structures its quests, and that topic is the one we’ll focus on during our book club segment this week. If you have thoughts on this topic, or A Link to the Past in general, send them our way!(nintendoeverythingpodcast(at)gmail(dot)com)
1. Game of the Week (Yoshi)
2. The History of Star Fox’s Voice Acting (Star Fox series)
3. Malaura’s Mask Continues (Majora’s Mask)
4. Crunchier Cereal for All (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
5. Laura fits one more game in (Wii Fit U)
6. Jack finds puzzle love (Picross e5)
7. Rekindling an old love (Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon)
8. You’ve never heard of SWERY? (D4)
9. Site features!
10. A Link to the Past Book Club – Week 5
11. D4 Music Break
12. Year of the Saxophone
13. Listener Mail – Start
14. Is Phoenix Wright fun? Of course!
15. It was bound to happen eventually.
16. Do we like Sin & Punishment? Will it ever get another sequel?
17. Trading games for things.
18. Yoshi Quiz Show!
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 110! (Time Twist: Rekishi no Katasumi de…)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 7 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 110. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Segment 1, Intro: The game for this week’s Game of the Week is a very, very weird and probably-considered-offensive Famicom Disk System title called Time Twist! It never came out in the west though so I guess everything is okay.
Segment 2, What We Played: Austin has finally beaten MOTHER 3, and he has so much to say about it! Unfortunately he doesn’t want to spoil anything, so it ends up just being a lot of interesting and vague praise. Laura is continuing through Majora’s Mask 3D, but she’s trying to slow it down this week. Finally, Jack somehow ended up with Brain Age Express: Sudoku, which he says is a bit of a stink.
Segment 3, Book Club: The book club this week comes with a new focus: The bosses of A Link to the Past, what we can learn from them, and how they relate to bosses in more recent Zelda games. We end up talking a lot about Zelda bosses in general and what we like and dislike about them.
Segment 4, Listener Mail: Listener mail ended up being all Zelda topics this week! We address some concerns people have about Majora’s Mask 3D’s “improvements”, how Zelda Wii U could take some cues from the Oracle games to improve its overworld, and more!
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 109! (Star Tropics)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 8 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 109. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Segment 1, Intro: Star Tropics makes its first appearance on this podcast, and we discuss some cool tidbits about its development and how it’s similar to Metal Gear Solid in a certain respect.
Segment 2, What We Played: Austin gives his impressions of the New 3DS XL, Laura waxes poetic and tells a story from her time with Majora’s Mask 3D, and Jack updates us on chemistry, computer science, and other collegiate affairs.
Segment 3, Book Club: Our next week of the A Link to the Past book club creates a rift that eventually morphs into a learning experience for everyone involved! Jack likes the Dark Palace and dislikes the Swamp Palace, but Laura and Austin think the opposite! Some interesting notes about Zelda temple design in this segment.
Segment 4, Listener Mail: Listener mails brings about a particularly interesting topic this week: Are 2D Zelda games really just gimped versions of 3D Zelda games? Are they just a stopgap between the “real” Zelda games? We don’t go quite as in-depth as I’d like to someday, but it’s a fascinating idea.
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 108! (NES Play Action Football)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 6 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 108. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Segment 1, Intro: Our game of the week is the Tose-developed NES Play Action Football. We learn about Tose’s development philosophy, why this game came with a little slip of cardboard, and how it’s connected to Shrek: Hassle at the Castle for GBA.
Segment 2, What We Played: Two big games in what we played this week. Firstly, Austin has his review copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and he has some really interesting observations about how the game actually teaches you this time around, in addition to general impressions. Laura this week has been playing something of an oddity: Mario Golf: World Tour, the 3DS golf game from last year that nobody would’ve predicted Laura would love. But she does!
Segment 3, Book Club: This week’s A Link to the Past exposé has us getting into discussing the start contrast between the second and third temples of the game, how we all learned to pick up large boulders, and why getting the master sword in this one is actually somewhat different from more recent Zeldas.
Segment 4, Listener Mail: Just a bit of mail this week (we didn’t have much time after the book club), but we tackle a couple of key topics: Where is Nintendo going after Miyamoto and company pass on from the company (or life, I guess)? What are some of your favorite local multiplayer games? Find out.
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 107! (Barker Bill’s Trick Shooting)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 2 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 107. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Segment 1, What We Played: Austin fell asleep one nigh and woke up the next day with a demo of The Amazing Spiderman downloaded onto his 3DS. Hear from him why that game is probably not worth your time or money, but it’s still kind of hilarious regardless. Secondly, Laura has played the demo for Codename S.T.E.A.M. and she talks about how it plays, what’s weird about it, and what might need a bit of fixing.
Segment 2, Listener Mail: Before listener mail, Jack regals us with tales from his job, as he has been known to do. Then we get into questions about Mario Kart 8 (in response to last week’s show), aspect ratios and Wii VC games, and what games we would like to be able to forget so that we can replay them.
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[Podcast] The Best Soundtracks of 2014
Posted on 10 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, News, Podcast, Reader Poll, Reader Poll, Wii U, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
Hello everyone, here’s another podcast! All of your votes have been tallied on to put together the definitive list of the top ten game soundtracks (on Nintendo platforms) from 2014. In this almost two-hour podcast you can expect to hear excerpts from all of the soundtracks that made the list with commentary from myself and those who sent in their thoughts. Thank you to everyone who helped make this feature possible and sorry about the delay.
Unlike last year’s show, it’s now available in video podcast form on Youtube (note: podcast may not contain moving images):
If you want the audio version to stick on your MP3 player or whatever, you can download it here. And if you really want to spoil yourself, the results and and a full track list (with timestamps!) can be found over the break:
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 106! (Dr. Mario)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 3 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome to episode 106. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Segment 1, What We Played: The only game we bring up during WWP is Mario Kart 8, and we talk about it for half an hour! Austin thinks he figured out specifically– down to the point by point game design elements– why he finds Mario Kart 8 less intense or engaging than other games in the franchise, and he tries to explain it to the rest of the crew as best as he can.
Segment 2, Book Club: After a lovely commissioned, professional-grade audio clip about our book club, we delve (perhaps TOO deeply) into the first chunk of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Does this game feel less unique than other Zeldas? How does it feel having such a speedy intro without a lot of setup? What’s special about this game? We answer these questions and more!
Segment 3, Listener Mail: Plenty of listener mail to go through this week including a grill session about Monster Hunter 4, a grill session about Jack saying he wishes Wii VC would stretch the old games to fit his TV, lots of nice words, and much more.
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