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A listing on Nintendo’s website confirms that Mach Rider will be the next 3DS Virtual Console release in North America. The game will be available tomorrow, April 10, for $4.99. You can check out the official page here.


Can you spot the changes in the graphic above? The two are mostly the same, though the North American artwork features a shorter hair style and a slightly more conservative outfit.

Source, Via 1, Via 2

Two Tribes has confirmed on Twitter that Swords & Soldiers HD has now been submitted to Nintendo.

The studio wrote:

Two Tribes plans on releasing Swords & Soldiers HD on the Wii U eShop later this month.


Kid Icarus: Uprising has finally arrived on the European 3DS eShop, Nintendo has announced.

The company shared the news on Twitter through the following note:

Kid Icarus: Uprising previously launched on the North American eShop back in November.


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