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REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Spring is almost here! As the cold weather slowly creeps away, welcome the new season by tossing away the blanket and hopping off the couch to play Wii Sports Club. Starting on March 21 at 9 a.m. PT, Wii U owners can download and play the Wii Sports Club game for free until March 23 at 11:59 p.m. PT. This promotion includes free access to all three currently available sports (Wii Sports Club – Golf, Wii Sports Club – Bowling and Wii Sports Club – Tennis) and is open to all Wii U owners*, even those who have previously tried or have already downloaded Wii Sports Club. As an added bonus, the Resort Course, a new nine-hole course in Wii Sports Club – Golf that was originally featured in Wii Sports Resort, will be permanently added to the game via an update that is available today.

Wii Sports Club is a compilation of the sports from Wii Sports that features high-definition graphics, controls via Wii MotionPlus technology, immersive GamePad integration and an online multiplayer versus mode. In this mode, users with broadband Internet access can face off against other players all over the country online.


Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

Looks like someone’s enjoying the bachelor life in this pad.

Bandai Namco has announced a new title for 3DS based on the Majin Bone card game and anime. It’ll feature three-on-three co-op battles and some functionality which allows Data Cardass cards from the arcade game to be read. The game will be available this fall.

Source, Via

A new Wii Sports Club update has hit Japan today, which adds a total of nine new holes for the game’s golf section. What’s particularly interesting is that all of the holes come from Wii Sports Resort. The update is free, and I doubt it’ll be too long before it reaches North America and Europe as well.


NeoGAF’s creamsugar, who always comes through with reliable NPD leaks, has once again shared a few pieces of noteworthy data. Specifically, we have rough US sales estimates for four Wii U titles.

They are as follows:

Rayman Legends – about 99,000 units sold
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – about 97,000 units sold
Sonic: Lost World – about 94,000 units sold
The Wonderful 101 – about 65,000 units sold

creamsugar also says that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has sold about 240,000 units on 3DS.


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Atlus has shared the first couple of (small) photos of the Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth 3DS XL. You can find them below.




It’s a double dose of Nintendo title updates tonight. In addition to Steel Diver: Sub Wars, Wii Fit U has received a new patch of its own.

Here’s what’s new in version 1.2.0:

  • Users that have a Fit Meter registered can now access their own data immediately after starting Wii Fit U from the Fit Meter transfer screen.
  • Users can now post their Fit Meter activity screen to Miiverse after starting Miiverse from the Home Menu.
  • At the Piggy Bank screen, after transitioning from the Fit Meter, users can now display the consumed calorie value that was just transferred.
  • An error was resolved that could cause miscalculation of “Fit Meter Challenge” data if it was transferred from the Fit Meter at the exact time the date changes.


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