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Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

nWay has prepared a new video for its Switch release Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Super EditionPower Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Super Edition. Get a look at the video below.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Super Edition launches digitally on May 25, followed by a physical version in July.

Metal Saga: Hangyaku no Rouka

During the Metal Max 30th Anniversary Live Stream today, Success and 24Frame confirmed that Metal Saga: Hangyaku no Rouka is in the works for Switch. While there’s no word on a western release currently, the game will support “Japanese and more.”

Here’s an overview of the game, courtesy of Gematsu:

Metal Max Xeno: Reborn

Metal Max Xeno: Reborn, the JRPG from Kadokawa Games, Cattle Call, and 24Frame, is now confirmed for the west. PQube announced that it will publish the title overseas in 2022.

Originally, Metal Max Xeno: Reborn launched in Japan last September.

Here’s an overview of the game with plenty of details:

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Update: This post has been updated to clarify that it’s currently live in Japan only at the moment. The North American/European version will receive this patch sometime in the future.

Original: A new update is now live for Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town in Japan, bringing the version number up to 1.0.5. Various improvements have been made due to feedback, with quality of life adjustments as well graphical and performance changes. Check out the patch notes below.

Bandai Namco have announced that they are bringing the exercise minigame collection Family Trainer to Switch on September 3. Check out a trailer below.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. This week, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl appears in the top ten for the first time.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between April 29 and May 12.

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power

Nintendo has issued a new four-minute trailer for DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power, which heads to Switch in just under two weeks. We’ve attached it below.

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power releases for Switch on June 4.

The open world action RPG Maneater will finally debut on Switch in just a few days. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Maneater launches for Switch on May 25.


Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


Gods Will Fall

Deep Silver and Clever Beans issued the first piece of DLC for Gods Will Fall this week. Valley of the Dormant Gods Part 1 features a new realm, the Brawler class, three new items, three new skills, and the Warriors’ Garb.

Here’s further information about the DLC:

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