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The very first thing we ever saw from Super Mario Odyssey was New Donk City. And it’s no ordinary city: Mario is running and jumping around with realistic people around him.

The concept of New Donk City may seem strange for a Mario title, but there was a purpose behind it. Director Kenta Motokura explained to Game Informer this month why it made sense for players to be interacting with a more realistic city.

The Fire Emblem Warriors Special Edition is back in stock again over at Amazon. If you’d like to place an order, you can do so here. It comes with a copy of the game, three CDs, and a dual-sided poster showing the first Fire Emblem games the characters appeared in.


We previously reported that Best Buy stores across the US will be hosting a midnight launch for Super Mario Odyssey. Fans can visit the store at 12:01 AM ET on October 27 (9 PM PT on October 26) to pick up the new Switch game as soon as possible.

Best Buy has also now confirmed that a poster will be handed out while supplies last. We have a look at it below.

You can check to see if you have a Best Buy nearby planning a midnight launch for Super Mario Odyssey here.

Regista has made a number of visual novel titles over the years. The team was responsible for a number of such games in the genre, including this year’s Exile Election on behalf of Nippon Ichi.

This past week, Regista announced that the company intends to begin developing for Switch. Along with existing titles, fans can also look forward to entirely new projects. Expect more information in the future.



Nintendo sometimes does neat things with its Switch game cases. Case and point: Super Mario Odyssey. Printed inside of the case are the lyrics to the main theme, “Jump Up, Super Star!” It can certainly come in handy if you ever need a refresher about what’s said in the song.


Rockstar Games is releasing a new version of L.A. Noire next month, and it’s coming to Switch. To celebrate, Prima is planning a guide for the game.

Amazon has a listing online for the guide. According to the page, you can expect the following:

New details about paid and free DLC for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 emerged earlier this week via a V Jump magazine. ShonenGames has provided a high-quality scan with a full translation.

Once again, Tapion and Android 13 are the new paid DLC characters. The Hero Colosseum will also be added in for free involving figures.

Lost Sphear isn’t off to such a great start in Japan. Combined sales of the Switch and PlayStation 4 versions are just over 13,000 copies. On Switch specifically, the RPG sold roughly 6,000 units in its first week.

Data from Dengeki further points to a lack of interest in Lost Sphear. According to its numbers, the game sold through just 20 percent of its initial shipment. Not only is Lost Sphear selling slowly so far, but Square Enix may have overestimated interest and there will likely be an overabundance of copies sitting on store shelves.


The Nintendo Treehouse Log is back with another post about Super Mario Odyssey, and specifically the Snapshot Mode.

Here’s an excerpt about the photos above:

This was a shot for which I had to secure some extra elevation. While you can control a lot of your camera’s positioning with Snapshot Mode’s tools, there are limits, and sometimes you need to get Mario nice and high to get the shot you want. In this case, a nearby beachside cliff did the trick. I spent a while adjusting the angles to get this shot’s composition just where I wanted it before taking the shot. I love how the ends of his little tentacles are just peeking out over the edge of the glass.

Comparing the second shot of this set with the New Donk Noir shot in my last post, you can see how the Black and White filter can be used to achieve some quite dramatic effects.

You can read the full entry on Nintendo Treehouse Log here.

Splatoon 2’s latest weapon, the Range Blaster, was added in a short while ago. See it in action with the footage below.


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