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Nintendo Network

Another round of Switch maintenance has been scheduled in the coming days. Online play, rankings, etc. will be affected on Sunday / Monday.

The maintenance schedule is as follows:

– 5:50 PM PT (May 21) – 7:30 PM PT (May 21)
– 8:50 PM ET (May 21) – 10:30 PM ET (May 21)
– 1:50 AM in the UK (May 22) – 3:30 AM in the UK (May 22)
– 2:50 AM in Europe (May 22) – 4:30 AM in Europe (May 22)


New ARMS footage from GameXplain gives us a good look at the replay options in ARMS, including slow-mo and changing camera angles. Check out the video below.


Update: Bumped to the top. The controller and Switch case are now up on Amazon UK. Note that these do not ship to the US, but Amazon Germany is still an option.

Original: Amazon Germany is now taking pre-orders for the Splatoon 2 Switch Pro Controller. Get a reservation here. Worth noting, despite what the page says, we were able to place an order that ships to the US.

Towards the end of next week, Nintendo will be kicking off ARMS Global Testpunch. The demo will let Switch owners try out the game on certain days and times with online matches.

Although ARMS Global Testpunch won’t feature the entire roster, you’ll have several characters to choose from. Spring Man, Ribbon Girl, Master Mummy, Ninjara, Mechanica, Min Min, and Helix will be playable. The three new characters announced this week – Kid Cobra, Byte & Barq, and Twintelle – have been left out.


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4J Studios is sending out a new update for Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition. The game’s second patch has wrapped up and is now being delivered to players.

The new update updates two issues and adds in a new DLC pack. We’ve included the full patch notes below.

– Fix for false presses of Home and Screenshot buttons reported in Retail
– Fix for Swap AB not functioning with Switch Pro Controllers
– Added Missing Campfire Tales Skin Pack


Activision and Bungie have no plans to make a Switch version of Destiny 2.

IGN asked project lead Mark Noseworthy about the possibility, who initially said Bungie has “no announcements to make about the Switch at this time”. IGN then pressed further and asked if the franchise could eventually end up on Switch.

Noseworthy said in response:

Digital Foundry is back with another in-depth technical analysis. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition is the focus this time around.

Minecraft does indeed run at 720p on Switch regardless of it being docked or undocked. However, 4J Studios once again confirmed to Digital Foundry that the team is looking into the situation and the game could see an increase to 1080p docked in the future with an update.

Nintendo UK uploaded a brief promo / commercial for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers under the name “Relive The Legend”. View it below.

You can now download the Disgaea 5 Complete demo on the European eShop. If you have been waiting for this region’s demo then now is your chance to try it out. The demo for North America is already available.

Frozenbyte’s YouTube channel has just shown off Nine Parchments for the Nintendo Switch. The game will be coming sometime in 2017. Check out their announcement video below.


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