Ubisoft CEO on working with Miyamoto, praise for Zelda and Nintendo
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This information comes from Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot…
“What is fantastic about working with Nintendo and with Miyamoto in particular is that you are working with the best. It’s easy to work with the smartest people in the industry and they have a great understanding of what works and we are very often on the same page about how to solve a problem.
I travel a lot for work, but thanks to the Switch I’ve been able to play Zelda. It’s a great game and we can learn a lot about how we make games by looking at what Nintendo has done.”
More: Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot
E3 site lists Nintendo as publisher of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 3 Comments
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Switch won’t be published by Bethesda, apparently. Nintendo’s site lists itself as the actual publisher. It’s a bit interesting to see that Bethesda isn’t handling it directly.
Xbox boss talks Switch, has more praise for Nintendo
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 11 Comments
This information comes from Xbox boss Phil Spencer…
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”
More: interview, Phil Spencer
Splatoon 2 – off-screen Inkblot Art Academy stage footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
More: Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 – Salmon Run mode details – set the difficulty percentage and more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 1 Comment
– Work together in teams of up to four to collect Salmonid eggs
– The mode is split up into three waves
– Each wave gives the team a quota of eggs to collect, as well as a time limit
– The goal is to defeat enemies, causing them to drop eggs
– You must then haul those eggs back to the basket
– If you meet your quota when time expires, all remaining enemies retreat and you move on to the next round
– Difficulty can be set out of 100%, Game Informer’s demo was set to 5%
– Heavy Salmonids have armor in the front
– Have to distract these enemies while a teammate flanks it to blast ink at its exposed backside
– When Inklings take too much damage in Salmon Run, they can be revived by a teammate shooting them with ink
– Boss character is in the form of a tall, slender creature
– Boss is just pots stacked on top of each other
– Blast at the bottom pot for it to disappear and the creature to shrink
– Continue to do this until the enemy is nothing
– Bosses more difficult in following waves
– One boss is a massive metal eel
– The eel rains down hostile ink
– This boss is driven by a Salmonid creature
– Blast the operator and destroy the eel
– Another boss has two trashcans attached to the side
– The boss hovers over the battlefield, seemingly invincible
– Trashcan opens and it rains down blobs of ink
– Take him out by tossing bombs into the open trashcans
– Enemies appeared in greater numbers in wave three
– 40% was the highest difficulty people on the Nintendo E3 team could beat
More: details roundup, Splatoon 2
Super Mario Odyssey: Live @ E3 2017 (round 2, exclusive area footage)
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 2 Comments
More: Super Mario Odyssey
More Super Mario Odyssey details, dev comments
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 4 Comments
– Can swing your hat in a circle, damaging any Goombas or Koopa Troopas in your perimeter
– Can throw it in different directions and even hold down your throw button to keep it hovering in the air for a few seconds so you can hop on it like a platform
– Each of the game’s kingdoms is large enough to fit multiple checkpoints
– Captain Toad can be found standing on a girder
– Every time you hit a checkpoint you can fast travel to it
– No lives or 1-ups
– When you die, you’ll lose coins.
– Development started right after 3D World shipped in 2013
– You can’t capture every enemy—just the special ones
– There are shops that sell outfits and other useful items, which you can buy with one of two types of coins
– There are the standard gold coins and then each kingdom has its own specific currency, represented by purple objects that change shape depending where you are
– Hat-throwing came from wanting to make a pleasing action, and flinging the hat felt fun with the Joy-Con
This information comes from director Kenta Motokura…
“We started the project by taking Super Mario’s theme of surprise and simply riffing on that to come up with things that were purely fun. The result of that was, the team just came up with a seemingly endless stream of fun prototypes. We wanted to use all of them, and so we thought sandbox spaces would be the best way to play all of those fun ideas.”
“By coming up with lots of different fun ideas and placing them all over these fun sandboxes, we were able to come up with stages of very high density gameplay elements. You’ll want to check behind every suspicious wall, jump up every cliff, kill every boss you find. Almost everything that draws the player’s attention could potentially reward them with a Power Moon.”
“The game is designed so you can explore and play without interruption. And no matter which Power Moons you collect, you’ll still be able to advance the story.”
Rocket League will cost $20 on Switch, same as other platforms
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 13 Comments
Switch owners have no need to be concerned about Rocket League’s pricing on Switch. There won’t be any markup – it’ll be $20, just like all other versions. That news comes straight from the developers.