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Some new footage of the Splatoon 2 demo is up to watch on YouTube. It’s a mix of off-screen and direct footage, which you can check out below.


It seems we’re not done with the early looks at the Switch, as another picture of the console has surfaced. It’s not clear if this is from the same individual who has already shown us the OS of the Switch or if this is a similarly lucky individual who just received his unit early. Regardless, we’re able to get a much better look at the instructions included on the side of the box containing the console now. Check it out below.


Update: This looks to be real. Video of the OS is below.

NeoGAF member hiphoptherobot has apparently managed to secure a Switch unit nearly two weeks before release. He claims to have been “lucky” – meaning he’s not a member of the media.

hiphoptherobot shared some photos of his find, including a new image of the Switch UI. It definitely looks legitimate, but in this day and age, you can never be too sure. We’ll keep this post updated with any additional information or images that may come in.

Thanks to Matthew M for the tip.



Here’s something that may come as a bit of a surprise. On the official GDC 2017 site, Super Bomberman R is shown as one of the playable games developed with the Unity engine. Rather than going with internal tools, Konami and HexaDrive decided to use third-party technology. Fortunately we know that Switch supports Unity very well.


Various retailers around the world are planning a midnight launch for Switch. Among these is GAME, a store based in the UK.

Well over 200 GAME locations will be open to sell Switch units as soon as March 3 rings in. The full listing of participating stores is located here.

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Update (2/16): Embed version is below:

Original (2/15): The next part of Game Informer’s month-long Zelda: Breath of the Wild coverage is now online. Another piece of the magazine’s interview with Shigeru Miyamoto and Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma is shared. For today’s snippet, the two developers talk about storytelling and what we can expect from it in Breath of the Wild. We again get to hear Aonuma tease his “trick” that he used that he had been thinking about for roughly two decades.

The interview can be watched here here. When an embed option is available, we’ll add it in here (probably tomorrow).

The Pokemon Company has announced that a new Pokemon game is in the works for mobile. Splash! Magikarp will be released on iOS and Android this spring in Japan. Select Button is handling development.

On the official teaser site, a newspaper article reports on the appearance of mysterious Magikarp-shaped holes in a peaceful town. The article also has a witness testimony from the fisher who discovered the holes. It goes on to say that an investigation to discover its cause has begun.

You can access the teaser site right here.


Nintendo has a notable goal in mind with Switch: bringing people together. In an interview with The Independent, general producer Yoshiaki Koizumi spoke about wanting to create an experience similar to cards. With cards, people are able to play together and “play eye to eye”. That’s where Switch’s portability aspect comes into play, including the Joy-Con.

Koizumi explained:

“When you have a deck of cards, you can get family and friends together and play games that everyone knows the rules to. It’s very accessible, everyone can sit down and play together, and that became kind of a root for us as we thought about this. For generations, people would play eye to eye as they thought about strategy. We wanted to recreate some of that experience using technology.”

“You need a certain kind of hardware to make that social situation possible. And in the past we’ve had that experience with NES and SNES of having two controllers and it definitely felt like the social experience where your friend would come over to your house and play with you, and so we wanted to make that situation not only more possible, but more visible outside the house, to see people playing together like that. It’s the addition of two controllers from the start that makes creating those things possible.

Of course you could go online and play video games with strangers that you’ve never met before, but something a little bit different is possible here, where you can take the system outside of your house and run into someone you’ve never met before, hand them a controller and start playing right there, and that’s the sort of thing that, when you experience it, makes the other person and yourself very happy.”

Nintendo just posted a new video from its recent Switch event in New York. Take a look at it below.

Nintendo readied another new screenshot from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild today. The latest image doesn’t focus on Link, but instead shows off an NPC and a donkey. You can see the screenshot for yourself above.


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