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Wii U

This month’s NPD report is in, and so are the leaks. “creamsugar”, a member of NeoGAF known for sharing NPD data, has provided a rough breakdown of sales for each platform:

200k > PS4 > 100k > XBO > Wii U > 360 > 50k > PS3 > Wii

It’ll be more interesting to see how Wii U performs next month. Mario Kart 8 launched at the very end of May, meaning it didn’t have an absolutely major impact in last month’s NPD report. June will be much more noteworthy to examine!


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The scarf above comes with all copies of the Hyrule Warriors Treasure Box. It also comes with a triforce clock and several other goodies.

For a breakdown of the Treasure Box and Premium Box, check out this post.


Thanks to an interview conducted by Zelda Dungeon, we have more quotes from Eiji Aonuma regarding The Legend of Zelda for Wii U. Aonuma discussed Miyamoto’s involvement with the game, technological aspect (not as in-depth as most originally thought), and more.

Head past the break for Aonuma’s comments. You can find Zelda Dungeon’s interview here.

In a recent interview with Zelda Dungeon, Hyrule Warriors supervisor Eiji Aonuma and producers Yosuke Hayashi and Hisashi Koinuma discussed more about the new Wii U Game. Topics include original characters for the roster, a scrapped dungeon with traditional Zelda-like puzzle-solving elements, and more.

As usual, you can find the comments below. Be sure to check out Zelda Dungeon’s full piece here as well.

Update: Another tweet:

We have more encouraging Nintendo-related news from the May 2014 NPD report.

First, we’re hearing that Wii U hardware sales rose by over 85 percent last month. That was with Mario Kart 8 being on the market for just two days.

Additionally, Nintendo says that the 3DS was the second best-selling system in May.

As reported by journalist Ian Sherr:

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NPD Group has released a listing of the top ten best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of April 2014. The results can be found above.


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I only ended up recording the mech portion of this segment, but Nintendo has uploaded the full thing to its YouTube channel. Check it out above!

Polygon has published a few new quotes from Yosuke Hayashi, development producer of Hyrule Warriors. Hayashi discussed the mixture of the Zelda franchise and Dynasty Warriors series, and Zelda herself being playable in the game. Head past the break for his remarks.

“We look[ed] for actions, Zelda-like actions or actions that players would know from Zelda games and figure out ways to put them into what they’re doing within Hyrule Warriors. So they’re not puzzles, but you still want to open up a treasure chest. You don’t pick things up to take them to another place to solve a puzzle, but you can pick up a bomb and throw bombs. And we have the sounds that players are familiar with, little elements here and there that make it feel like a natural Zelda game, but gameplay-wise it still fits within the Dynasty Warriors franchise style.”

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