Shin’en is advising fans to watch tomorrow’s European Nintendo Direct. The company posted the following message on Twitter just a short while ago:
Seriously, anyone should check out the tomorrow #NintendoDirectEU.
— Shin'en Multimedia (@ShinenGames) November 12, 2013
If I was a guessing man, I’d surmise that FAST Racing Neo and/or Jett Rocket II will be featured on tomorrow’s presentation.
Update 2: Bumped to the front page. European presentation confirmed:
Join Mr Shibata at 5pm CET on 13/11 for a new #NintendoDirectEU with a focus on #3DS games for the next few months
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) November 12, 2013
Update: Wii U may be getting some love as well, based on the image below Nintendo has posted to its Facebook page:
Watch a new #NintendoDirectNA 11/13 at 8am PT for updates on announced #3DS software coming through early 2014.
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) November 12, 2013
You’ll be able to watch the North American broadcast here, though we’ll have it on the site as well. It’s set to begin at 11 AM ET / 8 AM PT.
Capcom intends to share news about the new DLC case for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies “very soon”. That’s according to a tweet published on the official Ace Attorney account yesterday.
The message reads:
Looks like the final case was a lot of people's favorite! We'll have more news on the new DLC case very soon..
— Ace Attorney (@aceattorneygame) November 11, 2013
It just so happens that a Nintendo Direct presentation is being streamed tomorrow. Might we hear something about the DLC then?
The past few Zelda titles have been notorious for their lengthy introductions. Games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword have take a relatively long period of time just to reach the first dungeon.
The same can’t be said of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Kotaku reports that players will find themselves in the game’s first dungeon in about five minutes.
How does that stack up to some of the other Zeldas? It takes 70 minutes to reach the first dungeon in Skyward Sword, 20 minutes to arrive at the first dungeon in Ocarina of Time, and 2 minutes to enter the castle basement in A Link to the Past.