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There’s just one review score in this week’s Famitsu. The magazine handed out three 7’s and one 6 to Spec: Hoshi for a sum of 27 points. A game can receive up to 40 points in total.

Tiny Cartridge has published a new Treasurenauts which is filled with new details about Renegade Kid’s upcoming 3DS eShop game. A summary of information can be found below. Be sure to check out Tiny Cartridge’s full piece here.

– Cave exploration game
– Made to be played in one sitting
– Has an old school style
– This was a “conscious, strange decision” to make the game stand out
– Game has soft saving so that when you’re collecting, “you’re going in and out of the levels and doing stuff, it’s saving all that.”
– Progress resets when you quit the game
– “Training” mode lets you save your progress
– Go through a series of levels for treasure worth up to $1 million
– Find treasure lying around in gems, rings, hidden behind false walls, obstructive foreground scenery
– Treasure also bursts out of the birds, bats and other monsters you attack
– All levels have “three treasure chests, and one magical urn fountain thing that you can whale on to get treasure from”
– Get hit, and treasure explodes out of you similar to Sonic’s rings
– If you get hit without treasure, you die
– Can go into each level with three weapons
– Players can use a sword, a gun, or bombs
– Each has their advantages/disadvantages
– Some things can only be accessed with the help of a second player
– Can’t 100% the game without a friend
– Game not altered for one player
– 28 levels
– One boss fight is against a Big Mama Crab


Bootdisk Revolution, developer of the 2D action-platformer Bleed, has its fair share of interest in Nintendo.

Speaking with Dromble, the company’s Ian Campbell said “it would be a dream come true to have a game on a Nintendo console.” However, he has yet to speak with the Big N about bringing any games to the Wii U or 3DS.

Campbell said the following when asked if Bootdisk Revolution is interested in releasing titles on systems from Nintendo and Sony:

“Absolutely I’m interested — Sony seems very welcoming to indies, and I think for any developer who grew up in the 80-90?s it would be a dream come true to have a game on a Nintendo console. However I haven’t spoken to either of them yet, which is just as well until I learn how to actually code a game in something other than XNA.”



Prior to the Seattle Mariners’ baseball game against the Kansas City Royals yesterday, a moment of silence was held for former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi. Yamauchi passed away last week due to complications stemming from pneumonia.

Yamauchi became majority owner of the Marines in 1992. Nintendo of America took over in 2004, though he still maintained a strong influence over the team.

One fun fact for you: despite his ownership of the Mariners, Yamauchi never actually attended any of the club’s baseball games.

Source, Via

Oliver & Spike has not been officially confirmed for Wii U. In April, developer Rock Pocket Games said that the game’s release on Nintendo’s console would depend on a “potential partner”.

Not much has changed since then, as Oliver & Spike’s fate on Wii U hasn’t been determined. However, according to Rock Pocket’s Natascha Röösli, the game is now being pitched to the likes of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft as a second-party title.

Röösli told Dromble:

Two games have been confirmed for the North American 3DS eShop this week. Family Table Tennis 3D and Carps & Dragons will both be out on Thursday for $4.99.

We’re also hearing that a demo for Witch & Hero is due out on October 3. Data can be brought over to the full version.

Source 1, Source 2

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