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This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

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Nintendo’s 78th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will take place on June 28th at Nintendo’s headquarters in Kyoto. Several big changes to the company’s structure will be finalized at that meeting, including the appointment of Shuntaro Furukawa as the next president. Some other people are also changing jobs within the company, including the longtime president of Nintendo of Europe, Satoru Shibata. It is expected that, after 18 years, he will step down from that role at the shareholders’ meeting and be appointed one of Nintendo’s Five Directors (alongside Shigeru Miyamota, Shinya Takahashi, Shuntaro Furukawa and Ko Shiota).

However, it seems like Mr Shibata has been quite busy lately. In a recently published notice about the shareholders’ meeting, it says that, ever since May 2018, Shibata is also an Outside Director of The Pokemon Company. This means that he’s still with Nintendo, but will act as the company’s primary liaison with The Pokemon Company and represent Nintendo’s interests when dealing with them. Incidentally, this is a role that has previously been fulfilled by Shuntaro Furukawa. Since it would be strange to quit that job after just one month, it seems like Shibata will fulfill that role concurrently with his upcoming job as one of Nintendo’s Five Directors.

As an aside, it is still not clear who will take over from Shibata as Nintendo of Europe’s president once he vacates that position. Perhaps NoE’s new president will also be announced at the shareholders’ meeting on June 28th.

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Fire Emblem Heroes’ recent retweet event for the Feh Doll accessory was a success. In addition to the doll, the Enigmatic Mask worn by Masked Marth will also be sent out as a gift to all players. Both accessories will be sent out once update 2.6.0 hits on June 8th.

Nintendo’s Quality of Life project has been in the works for quite some time now – it was first mentioned at an investors’ meeting all the way back in 2014. However, other than some patents and a couple of mentions at investors’ meetings over the years, we haven’t actually seen anything concrete. The last mention was in July of last year during Nintendo’s annual report. However, it now seems that Nintendo’s Quality of Life project might be dead, or at the very least hit a significant roadbump.

After the Pokemon announcements last week, Nintendo’s shares rose got a large bump, but today they dropped significantly (by 5%). Dr. Serkan Toto speculates that this might be because of a report by business newspaper Nikkei, which states that the Quality of Life project might be dead because Nintendo’s hardware partner Panasonic withdrew from the project in March.

As always, take reports like this with a grain of a salt. However, this would explain Nintendo’s silence and seeming lack of progress on the project. Perhaps we will hear something concrete at Nintendo’s next investors’ meeting.


ITTARO released the action card battle game Kadobat Wars on the Japanese Switch eShop about a month ago. It’s now releasing in North America this week, according to the North American store.

Here’s some information about the game:

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. This week, Persona Q2 finds itself back in the top five.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between May 17 and May 23.

Update: The North American site has been updated to now state it has a charging time of three hours instead of before when it said it has a three hour battery life (thanks Ben C). Therefore we can assume that the North American site had an initial error.

Original: A number of Pokemon announcements were made this week, including the Poke Ball Plus. Rather than a Joy-Con, you can use the accessory to navigate in-game menus, explore the world and battle with Pokemon in the new Let’s Go titles. It’ll be compatible with Pokemon GO as well.

On the North American website for Poke Ball Plus, Nintendo states that the battery life is three hours. Yet Nintendo UK’s site does not mention that, and says the charging time is three hours instead.

We’re almost inclined to believe Nintendo UK here since we can’t imagine Poke Ball Plus using a whole lot of battery. Anything is possible though, and we’re hoping that we’ll receive final clarification soon.

Sushi Striker’s official website was in a teaser state not too long ago. Now with the game’s launch just a few days away, Nintendo has opened it in full. Access it here.

You know the deal here. The site will give you plenty of details about the game, and it also houses media including a trailer.

This year’s E3 is busier than ever before when it comes to press conferences and media presentations. Another company has now come forward confirming plans for the show.

On June 11, Limited Run Games will air its own press conference. You’ll be able to watch it at the following times:

Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


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