The Q&A section of Nintendo’s latest Financial Results Section has now been officially translated into English and is available here.
We’ve already provided translations for a couple of the questions here, but it’s nice to have official translations available. Beyond that, Kimishima doesn’t really provide any big new details in his answers, but the Q&A is an interesting read nonetheless.
We’ve known since the last Nintendo Direct that there would be an Animal Crossing-based Direct on November 2, but Nintendo has now announced the times as follows:
– 7 AM PST
– 10 AM EST
– 2 PM UK
– 3 PM CET
The Direct will be focused on the New Leaf update that adds amiibo compatibility. The Japanese version of the Direct is also slated to have some information on Miitopia, a game teased during the last Direct. The Direct will not have any information on Switch or mobile games.
This week’s Pokemon Shuffle update not only brings a round of temporary Special stages, but also a new set of main stages. Starting with Stage 471, devoted players will find even more to enjoy in the game.
The Special stages are also updating. There is a daily set of stages, where players will only be able to catch the Pokemon for their specific day. These will be Torchic (Winking) on Tuesday, Treecko (Winking) on Wednesday, Mudkip (Winking) on Thursday, Castform (Winking) on Friday, and Pikachu (Sleeping) on Monday. Lastly, there will be several stages running until November 15. These are Hitmontop, repeat runs for Machamp and Manaphy, and a safari (featuring Carvanha, Sharpedo, Spinda, Cherubi, Cherrim, Sunkern and Sunflora). Sharpedo will be an especially good catch, because next week’s Mega competition will be for Mega Sharpedo.
The Kirby Cafe has come to an end in Japan. However, a decision has been reached to make the merchandise available to a greater amount of fans.
Starting on November 23, a selection of goods from the Kirby Cafe will be sold at various retailers. This includes the special CD, “The Sound of Kirby Cafe”.
Physical stores that will be selling the CD and goods will be Yamashiroya, select Kiddy Land stores, and select Village Vanguard outlets. Online stores will be Amazon Japan and ebten, though the former will only sell the CD without any other items.
Items that will be also sold in stores other than Amazon:
Nintendo has released two new commercials for 3DS just in time for the holidays. Both can be found in the video below.
Update (10/31): These plushies are now being sold on GameStop’s website. You can get Rowlet here, Litten here, and Popplio here.
Original (10/24): If you’re interested in some new plushies based on Pokemon Sun/Moon, you may want to swing by your local GameStop. Customers are starting to notice that variations based on Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio are appearing. Each one is from the Pokemon Center and goes for $14.95. They might not be showing up at every GameStop store immediately, but many should start carrying the plushies soon.
Kemco has put out a steady stream of RPGs on the 3DS eShop. The publisher’s next release is Unlucky Mage, which is coming very soon.
After Nintendo listed Unlucky Mage on its website for fall, we now have a concrete date. Today’s European Nintendo Download PR confirmed a Thursday launch. Additionally, a listing on the eShop reveals the same date for North America. Unlucky Mage will cost $9.99.
We’ve known about the Sonic the Hedgehog movie adaptation for a while now, but some new details have come to light regarding it.
As reported by Deadline, the project will be a “hybrid CG-animated/live action family film”, with Tim Miller as executive producer. Miller previously worked on the Deadpool movie, and was working on the sequel to the film until he recently left the project due to “creative differences”. He’s also the co-founder of Blur Studio, which is known for creating CGI cinematics. Alongside Miller will be script writers Patrick Casey and John Miller, both of whom handled the script for Golan the Insatiable. Neal H. Moritz will be producing the title, who was a part of the Fast and Furious film franchise. Blur Studio collaborator Jeff Fowler is on board as director.
Miller seems quite happy to be working with Fowler on the project, and said as such:
“Jeff is an incredible director with strong story instincts. The world of Sonic presents the perfect opportunity for him to leverage his experience in animation to bring new dimension to this iconic character.”
You can read the full post from The Hollywood Reporter here.
Pokemon GO has been a runaway success for Niantic and the Pokemon Company, but it seems its wild popularity is dwindling – at least compared to other mobile game titans.
A collection of data regarding Pokemon GO and its overall decline in revenue has been posted on the Survey Monkey Intelligence blog, detailing how steep the decline in revenue is. During it’s peak month of July and some time afterwards, Pokemon GO was the most profitable mobile game by a very wide margin. However, its revenue generation has shrunk to levels that are more comparable to other mobile games, such as Mobile Strike, Game of War and Clash Royale. In the blog post, its mentioned that the revenue generation of Pokemon GO has fallen to a level that puts it on par with Candy Crush Saga. Furthermore, the author believes that this downward trend will continue to a certain degree:
October saw Pokémon GO’s daily revenues fall below those of Game of War, Mobile Strike, and Clash Royale, who are now vying for the top grossing game spot.
Pokémon GO’s revenue stats on U.S. smartphones have put it essentially on par with Candy Crush Saga… for the moment. (We expect Pokémon GO revenues will keep falling to some degree.)