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We’ve previously talked about the IARC rating system and how it would be extremely beneficial for eShop developers as well as gamers in general. Thanks to what it provides, anyone can easily submit their title and have it rated in various regions.

We recently heard that the IARC rating system would be coming very soon to the eShop. And interestingly, it looks like this has now happened. Information coming from a pair of independent developers reveal that the system is up and running for Nindies. We probably won’t see any immediate results, but developers are now starting to take advantage of what the IARC provides.



Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam’s difficulty will probably be just fine for experienced players. However, if you’re a newcomer, Nintendo has included a couple of features to make things easier.

First up is the introduction of an Easy Mode, which increases your characters’ strength. Nintendo is also including an Assist Mode to help players know who enemies are targeting in battle. It’s also worth mentioning that Toad will give you some advice saying that you should stay in battles (as opposed to running away, which will ensure that you gain experience and level up), and that equipment should be regularly upgraded.


Just like in North America, Nintendo has brought a demo for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes to the European eShop. Players can try out local play as well as online co-op. You’ll find the breakdown of times for Internet play below.


Nintendo has released more screenshots of Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, and we’re able to see a couple of secret characters for the first time. Head past the break for the full gallery.

Thanks to the Japanese Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam website, we now know the file size for the game. It’ll be 4,100 blocks, which is 512MB.


The Japanese website for Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam is now live. The website can be found at Check it out now.

The official site for the game Mighty No. 9 is now up and running. The site describes the game, the features, and provides content information. Check it out at

A new video containing footage of Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam has popped up on YouTube. The video includes the introduction video and short clips of gameplay. Check it out below:

Yet another character trailer has been released revealing a new character in the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem crossover. In the trailer below, you’ll get a look at Toma Akagi. Check it out!

Following Famitsu’s latest coverage, Capcom published yet another batch of screenshots from Monster Hunter X. If you’d like to view today’s images, check out the gallery below.

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