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Last week, the developer behind Starr Mazer showed interest in bringing the game to Wii U and 3DS. That interest has been expressed on Starr Mazer’s Kickstarter, where there are now two stretch goals for Nintendo platforms.

Starr Mazer will be made for Wii U if funds reach $220,000. A 3DS version will be created assuming donations reach the $300,000 mark.

You can find more information about Starr Mazer on the Kickstarter page here. The game itself has raised $81,000 thus far out of the desired $160,000 total, and there are 18 days remaining.


This is one of the more impressive gaming feats I’ve seen in awhile!

Puzzle Monkeys was previously confirmed for release in North America on February 5. Now we have a European launch date as well. Puzzle Monkeys will be out on the European Wii U eShop on February 19 for €6.99.


Curve Studios confirmed today that OlliOlli will be coming to both Wii U and 3DS in March. A specific date hasn’t been shared just yet, but it should be launching during the middle of the month. View some screenshots above.

Undead Storm Nightmare launched a couple of weeks ago on the North American 3DS eShop. Next week, Europe will be receiving the game as well. Look for Undead Storm Nightmare on February 12 for €4.99.


3D Fantasy Zone is the next 3D Classic from SEGA. In Europe, the game is set to be released next Thursday, according to a listing on the eShop. Pricing is set at €4.99.


Sales of the first Gunman Clive have topped 400,000 units, creator Bertil Hörberg has announced.

Hörberg shared the news on Twitter through the following message:

The sequel to Gunman Clive, Gunman Clive 2, just launched on the 3DS eShop last week. It’s out in both North America and Europe.


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