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Screen shot 2015-01-21 at 6.30.36 AM

As per usual, translation of Japanese text will be updated shortly.

Source1, Source2


Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham took to Twitter today to tease an announcement being revealed at the end of this month:

We have a new reveal covered at the end of January. Don’t force yourself too hard, but there is a bold clue out there, Nintendo sleuths! 😉

— Jools Watsham (@JoolsWatsham) January 21, 2015

Any ideas? We’ll find out soon enough regardless!

Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)

Welcome back to episode 105, the episode that makes us all thankful that post-production and editing exists!

For this episode, we have X primary segments:

Segment 1, What We Played: After some talk about Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll, we jump into a few big games that we’ve been playing including the unreleased Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, but Laura also regales us tales of dating ancient Japanese historical figures in Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi for 3DS, and then Austin wraps things up with some talk about the only legitimate criticism anyone could have of Bayonetta 2.

Segment 2, Discussion: After a brief musical break, we come back to discuss some of what went on in the Nintendo Direct this past week, branching off into tangential discussions about relevant games like Majora’s Mask 3D (we talk about whether it was innovative or not) and a full-fledged diatribe about amiibo from Austin! Plus much more.

Segment 3, Listener Mail Grab-Bag: Almost no legitimate questions this week means we end up talking about where we like to shop, whether it’s good to bathe yourself, and how everything is going to be okay in life. Send us discussion questions: nintendoeverythingpodcast at

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Update: Super Smash Bros. Melee will also be at Evo 2015 once again!

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will be included in the lineup for Evo 2015. The news was just announced during a live stream event a few minutes ago.

At last year’s Evo, Super Smash Bros. Melee was on display, and Nintendo ended up sponsoring the event.

Evo 2015 will take place between July 17 and July 19.


The first of three 3DS themes for Atelier Rorona Plus is out now in Japan. This particular theme – priced at 200 yen – focuses on main character Rorona.

Over the next couple of months, we’ll be seeing two more Atelier Rorona Plus 3DS themes. They’ll likely feature two different characters.


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