An image has surfaced showing Shigeru Miyamoto’s original sketches for Super Mario Bros. sprites. View it above!
Sonic Boom is a game that will probably need a patch, if possible. Unfortunately, it appears to be affected by quite a number of bugs.
Take a look at the video above for just one example. If you checked out the videos we posted yesterday (since removed), you may have also seen a glitch that allowed players to easily go beyond the boundaries of the game world into oblivion.
Yet another Wii U system update is now available. Version 5.3.0 can be downloaded by visiting system settings.
Speaking of system settings, that’s what today’s update is all about. You’ll now find a new category for amiibo. By visiting the amiibo settings, users can register an amiibo owner/nickname, delete data written to an amiibo, or reset amiibo.
Additionally, Nintendo has also improved Wii U stability and usability.
Head past the break for Nintendo’s official update notes.
Woah Dave! launched on the 3DS eShop just recently. In the case of Wii U, some may wonder why the game didn’t land on the console.
The decision, at least partially, can be attributed to game engines. Choice Provisions felt that bringing Woah Dave! over would be “difficult” as it would have needed to be ported to Unity or C++, according to former Nintendo indie head Dan Adelman.
One of the games they showed was Woah Dave!. Being a good Nintendo employee, I of course asked whether they were planning on releasing it on Wii U. They told me that it would be really difficult to do, because the game was originally created with an engine that would make porting to Wii U difficult. They would need to port the game over to Unity or C++.
What's happening?
— Tyrone Rodriguez (@tyronerodriguez) November 10, 2014
The Binding of Isaac was most recently teased for Wii U. Now it would appear that a 3DS version is being teased as well.
Check out the image above from Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez. You’ll need to look closely, but point your eyes towards the bottom-right area of the shot…