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The instrument in question: the Sheng.


David Cox, producer of the Castlevania: Lords of Shadows series, believes that the days of 2D Castlevania games are gone.

Cox told GamesTM this month that even though hardcore gamers would appreciate a new 2D Castlevania, “the reality is that it’s a very niche market and Konami really want this series to be mainstream again.” He wouldn’t rule out a new 2D title completely, though it wouldn’t come from MercurySteam.

You can find Cox’s full comments below.

System: Nintendo Wii U
Release Date: October 29, 2013 (NA) – October 18, 2013 (EU)
Developer: Sonic Team
Publisher: Nintendo/SEGA

Author: Jack

In a normative sense, Sonic as a platforming archetype ultimately aims to achieve one goal: create a constant chain of ephemeral pleasure via the utilization of perceived velocity the controllable gameplay object reaches in gameplay. While such a vision, an expanded AudioSurf if you will, perennially begets hedonistic intrigue, that seemingly one-dimensional objective for some dang reason hasn’t really ever come to fruition for Sonic Team over the past few console lifespans. A definite, tangible goal as such seems easy enough to reach, right?

Unfortunately, a granular obstacle to that simple speedy sentiment exists prohibiting fulfillment of that thought: the more the design team over at Sonic Team’s vision rides off in all directions (Sonic Unleashed’s Werehog levels being a prime example) as opposed to finding one meaning around which Sonic should revolve, the more plodding and forgetful each subsequent entry in the series gets. How can one ever hope to solve that ever-nagging dilemma?

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