GameStop: Bayonetta 2 for $35
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 16 Comments
Bayonetta 2 has gone on sale over on GameStop, this time for its lowest price yet. You can pick up the game for only $35. Remember: you’ll also be getting the first Bayonetta with your purchase!
More: Bayonetta 2, GameStop, sale
Bayonetta 2 director on the Nintendo costumes, including a cut idea
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 18 Comments
Did you know that it’s Bayonetta 2’s first anniversary today? The game came out in Japan on September 20. Developer PlatinumGames celebrated with a special cake – see below.

Bayonetta 2 director Yusuke Hashimoto also shared a message in an official PlatinumGames blog post. He spoke about the Nintendo costumes in the game, and also revealed a cut idea. He had wanted to include a costume based on Famicom Tantei Club, a game that Nintendo only brought to Japan. Unfortunately, it never made it into the final game.
You can read up on Hashimoto’s full message below.
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames, top, Yusuke Hashimoto
Bayonetta 2 director reiterates interest in continuing the franchise
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 29 Comments
Bayonetta 2 director Yusuke Hashimoto has once again expressed interest in returning to the series for another game. That news comes from the latest issue of GamesMaster, which features a brief interview with Hashimoto.
In one question, GamesMaster asks about game sequels he’d like to work on. Hashimoto pointed to Bayonetta and how he’d like to create Bayonetta 3 – or even a spin-off.
Hashimoto said:
A sequel to a Platinum title… I’d have to say Bayonetta 3. I have all kinds of ideas in my head for how to expand the world of Bayonetta in even more sequels, or maybe a spin-off!
This isn’t the first time Hashimoto has talked about making another Bayonetta-related title. Last June, before Bayonetta 2 even hit store shelves, he spoke about a desire to continue “nurturing” the IP. We’ve also heard from Hideki Kamiya (the director of Bayonetta 1) about wanting to make a spin-off for 3DS featuring Jeanne.
More: Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, interview, PlatinumGames, top, Yusuke Hashimoto
[Podcast] The Best Soundtracks of 2014
Posted on 10 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, News, Podcast, Reader Poll, Reader Poll, Wii U, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
Hello everyone, here’s another podcast! All of your votes have been tallied on to put together the definitive list of the top ten game soundtracks (on Nintendo platforms) from 2014. In this almost two-hour podcast you can expect to hear excerpts from all of the soundtracks that made the list with commentary from myself and those who sent in their thoughts. Thank you to everyone who helped make this feature possible and sorry about the delay.
Unlike last year’s show, it’s now available in video podcast form on Youtube (note: podcast may not contain moving images):
If you want the audio version to stick on your MP3 player or whatever, you can download it here. And if you really want to spoil yourself, the results and and a full track list (with timestamps!) can be found over the break:
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 105! (Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 4 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome back to episode 105, the episode that makes us all thankful that post-production and editing exists!
For this episode, we have X primary segments:
Segment 1, What We Played: After some talk about Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll, we jump into a few big games that we’ve been playing including the unreleased Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, but Laura also regales us tales of dating ancient Japanese historical figures in Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi for 3DS, and then Austin wraps things up with some talk about the only legitimate criticism anyone could have of Bayonetta 2.
Segment 2, Discussion: After a brief musical break, we come back to discuss some of what went on in the Nintendo Direct this past week, branching off into tangential discussions about relevant games like Majora’s Mask 3D (we talk about whether it was innovative or not) and a full-fledged diatribe about amiibo from Austin! Plus much more.
Segment 3, Listener Mail Grab-Bag: Almost no legitimate questions this week means we end up talking about where we like to shop, whether it’s good to bathe yourself, and how everything is going to be okay in life. Send us discussion questions: nintendoeverythingpodcast at
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Update: Wallpaper – Is PlatinumGames teasing something Bayonetta 2-related for tomorrow?
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 13 Comments
Update (12/25/14): Aaaaaaaaand it’s wallpaper. Hopefully you kept those expectations in check!
PlatinumGames posted the following message on Twitter earlier today:
???????????Facebook?????????????????? #Bayonetta2
— PlatinumGames Inc. (@platinumgames) December 24, 2014
It’s basically a message saying that it’s Christmas Eve, and Rodin will have a present tomorrow. Fans are advised to check Platinum Games’ Facebook page.
Platinum also shared the following English message on Twitter:
Everyone ready? Santa’s coming!
— PlatinumGames Inc. (@platinumgames) December 24, 2014
I can’t say I know what this is about. It could certainly end up being nothing, so I’d suggest keeping expectations in check!
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames
Bayonetta 2’s conceptual design highlighted in new PlatinumGames blog post
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 5 Comments
PlatinumGames updated its official blog yet again with another post about Bayonetta 2. This time around, we get to hear about the game’s conceptual design.
Check out a few excerpts below:
As you can see, the base tones for the original Bayonetta were red and black, whereas in Bayonetta 2 they’re blue (representing Bayonetta) and gold (representing the game’s enemies). Compared to the image above it, you can tell the bottom screen gives off a much brighter, vivid impression.
What was so difficult about this was that while Bayonetta’s key color was blue, the key color for Aesir’s power was blue as well. Ultimately we resolved this issue by changing this mysterious power of Aesir’s to an emerald green, but it’s still kind of hard for players to discern, so I gave Aesir his own unique line patterns in his design to draw distinction from Bayonetta.
Head on over to the PlatinumGames website for the full post.
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames
Bayonetta 2 – release event report and more tips from PlatinumGames’ blog
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
PlatinumGames updated its official blog once again recently with a new post about Bayonetta 2. The studio shared a release event report plus more tips for the Wii U title.
Check out a few excerpts below:
Nintendo shared lots of stories about release day events from various other countries as well, and I was very happy and relieved to see the game was being so warmly welcomed all over the world, so I’m very grateful to all of you who picked it up!
As a small token of my appreciation, I have a few more tips to share, since our last blog was very well received. Hope you enjoy them! (Thanks to game designer Ryoya Sakabe for providing them!)
Touch of Gold
Did you know that the environments you normally just run through actually contain several objects that reveal haloes when you touch them on the Wii U GamePad!? If you search every nook and cranny of every stage, you might become a halo millionaire in no time!
Head on over to the PlatinumGames website for the full post.
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames
Bayonetta 2’s lesser known facts highlighted in new PlatinumGames blog post
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Yet another blog update has landed on PlatinumGames’ official blog. This time around, we get to hear about some of the game’s lesser known facts.
Check out a few excerpts below:
So, we all know that the Chain Chomp is a weapon, but did you know you can also use him to sniff out treasure? Sometimes, Chomp might start barking and tugging on his chain as you’re proceeding through the map. This means there’s a treasure nearby and he’s trying to get it. If you feel like you might be missing some of the game’s treasure chests, try him out for a bit.
After you’ve started the Climax, try pressing the L button again. You’ll exit your Umbran Climax and preserve the rest of your magic gauge. You won’t be able to enter Umbran Climax until you build you gauge up to full again, but at least you won’t have to expend any gauge without actually using it.
Some of you may already know, but we here at PlatinumGames have a continued tradition of hiding beetles in our games. I haven’t heard of anyone finding it in Bayonetta 2, but it’s there! Get to looking.
Head on over to the PlatinumGames website for the full post.
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames
Bayonetta 2 bug checking highlighted in new PlatinumGames blog post
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 7 Comments
Yet another blog update has landed on PlatinumGames’ official blog. This time around, we get to hear about how the team went about bug checking.
Check out a few excerpts below:
Now, do we need every aspect of bug checks to be handled by actual people? My policy is: if a machine can do it, let’s make a machine do it. In this instance, we determine a set of actions for Bayonetta to perform, and make the console play the game over and over and over again.
For example, our first method for bug checking, the full playthrough—if we’re just going to play through the game’s main story, we know what that route is, and what we need to do along the way, so shouldn’t this be possible?
Then there’s bug checking by playing the game for extended periods of time. People need to sleep, eat, and take breaks, but we can make a machine play the game as long as we want and it’ll never even have to use the restroom! This is where automated bug checking really shines.
There also happen to be these kinds of bugs that have a very low chance of reoccurring, sometimes even as low as only a 1/50 chance. If there’s a bug that we randomly came across at one point and want to find the exact conditions for reproducing it, we can program the game to try something in the most precise way possible, and experiment around until we figure out what’s causing the problem.
Head on over to the PlatinumGames website for the full post.