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Metroid Prime: Federation Force is arguably the black sheep of the franchise. From the initial reveal to release, things did not go well for the game. Unfortunately, it was just not received warmly in the slightest.

Nintendo of Canada communications manager Andrew Collins commented on the game’s reception as part of an interview with EP Network. In his view, Federation Force “was a great package” and fans were particularly critical since Samus wasn’t the focus.

Collins’ full words:

In the English version of Super Mario Odyssey, Kate Higgins plays the role of Pauline and is behind the “Jump Up, Super Star!” song. Higgins has been involved with many anime including Naruto, plus a bunch of different games like Fire Emblem Awakening, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Sonic.

With Higgins’ important role made known, Game Informer caught up with her for some interview questions. Higgins spoke with the publication about recording for Nintendo’s new song and voicing Pauline in Super Mario Odyssey.

Read what Higgins shared on these topics below. Game Informer has the full interview here.

Kotaku caught up with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, who touched on a whole bunch of topics in an interview. These include the release date for the next Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC (coming soon), if we’ll see classic games on Switch, the closing of Miiverse, and the lack of My Nintendo rewards for Switch.

Read what Reggie had to say below. You can find the full article on Kotaku here.

What is the key to Mario? In Nintendo’s view, empathy is at the top of the list.

Speaking with CNN, Super Mario Odyssey Yoshiaki Koizumi said:

“One thing that has always been constant is this idea of empathy. It’s the idea that anyone can pick up and play the game, and they have an intuitive understanding and feel for how the game works.”

Switch stock has been a big issue since the system launched earlier this year. It has undoubtedly improved, but it’s still not quite where it needs to be. In places like Japan, the situation is still very frustrating with continued lotteries just for an opportunity to buy a Switch.

In an interview with The Verge, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime commented on Switch’s supply situation once again. Being unable to meet demand is something he’s not happy with, and he says Nintendo is “working hard to satisfy as much demand as possible.”

Reggie stated:

Back at E3, Game Informer interviewed Shigeru Miyamoto. The site only published a portion of its discussion at the time, but to celebrate Super Mario Odyssey, has now shared the rest of the comments. Game Informer spoke with Miyamoto about a few different things, including the approach to 2D Mario art going forward and interest in having classic games on Switch.

You can read Miyamoto’s responses about these topics below. For the full interview, head on over here.

Update (10/25): Koizumi relayed many of the same points made to Famitsu as he did with 4Gamer. Also mentioned is that we can look forward to more than just Nintendo’s traditional IPs on Switch.

Original (10/23): 4Gamer published a new interview today with Super Mario Odyssey producer Yoshiaki Koizumi. It was mainly about that game as you would expect, but the piece also contained some talk about the Switch in general. It’s worth noting that Koizumi was the overall general producer of the Switch hardware.

Towards the end of its interview, 4Gamer brought up how Switch is getting a number of big games at a steady pace in its first year. The site almost feels like Nintendo compressed a five-year console cycle into just one year.

In a recent interview, GQ sat down with Super Mario Odyssey director Kenta Motokura and producer Yoshiaki Koizumi in preparation for the launch of the upcoming Mario title. Motokura and Koizumi discuss deciding on new environments, creating Cappy, delving into Mario and Peach’s relationship, and maintaining Mario’s longevity as a character and franchise.

We’ve rounded up the notable quotes below. You can read the interview in full here.

Redbull caught up with Andrew Newey from Sidebar Games for a chat about the hit Switch game Golf Story. Newey commented on the project’s Wii U origins, how Nintendo was involved, and a cut idea involving a split-screen two-player story mode.

Read Newey’s responses about these topics here. You can find the full interview on Redbull here.

The next episode of the Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon introduction video series with Game Freak is here. Shigeru Ohmori and Kazumasa Iwao talk about new Pokemon, returning Legendary Pokemon, the amount of Pokemon, and their favorite Pokemon in the Alola region. Watch the video below.

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