Dragalia Lost – Persona 5 Strikers crossover event Caged Desire goes live on January 30 and a new trailer released
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Cygames has announced the name for the Dragalia Lost X Persona 5 Strikers crossover event along with the release date. This new event will be called “Caged Desire” and it will come to the game on January 30, 2o21 at 9:59pm PT.
This announcement also comes with a two minute trailer that gives a glimpse of Joker and the Phantom Thieves in action in Dragalia Lost. Check it out below.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost, Persona 5
Catherine: Full Body trailer showcases Persona 5’s Joker to promote Switch port
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
A new trailer has been released promoting Catherine: Full Body for the Nintendo Switch by showing a gameplay segment with Joker from Persona 5. In this video, Joker traverses a second area in the Babel challenge stage know as “Menhir.”
Originally, the Persona 5 content in Catherine: Full Body was DLC, but it will be included by default in the Switch version.
It is interesting to note that while this video is meant specifically to promote the Switch version of the game, it uses PS4 gameplay footage. The full trailer is available to view below.
Catherine: Full Body launches on Switch on July 7, 2020 in the West.
More: Atlus, Catherine: Full Body, Persona 5
Atlus communications manager tells fans to never give up hope on a Persona 5 Switch port
Posted on 5 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Rumors have been circulating around a Persona 5 Switch port for some time now, but no official announcements have come out. Regardless, Atlus doesn’t want fans to give up on this possibility.
IGN recently reached out to Atlus communication manager Ari Advincula to ask if it was finally time to put the idea to rest, to which she responded, “I am a strong believer in ‘never ever give up on hope’.”
Atlus says it doesn’t currently have plans to release Persona 5 Royal on other platforms
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Persona 5 for Switch has been a long-running rumor. It was something that was partially spurred on by fan interest as well as Joker’s appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a DLC character. However, there has yet to be anything official from Atlus.
On that note, Atlus has ruled out bringing Persona 5 Royal – a new version of the original RPG with additional content – to additional platforms (like Switch). That comes straight from a new FAQ published on the company’s website today.
Persona 5 doesn’t appear to be happening on Switch as of now, but the musou spinoff Persona 5 Scramble is planned for the system. Persona Q2 also released in the west on 3DS this week, featuring characters from Persona 5.
[Nintendo Everything Podcast] – episode #26 – Persona 5 Fake Out, Tencent-Nintendo in China
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Podcast | 0 comments
What’s good, spider balls and morph balls! It’s bonus time! We had so much to talk about in NEP 026 that we made it double the length! We’ll also be doing an EXTRA episode during the week: a spoilercast for Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy!
In this episode of NEP, we discuss Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Thieves, the controversy of Persona 5 not being announced for Switch and the community’s negative reaction. This leads us to talk about reality vs expectation, vocal gaming culture and how some gamers handle disappointment. We then lighten things up by talking about Super Mario Maker 2’s upcoming release, Nintendo’s financial briefing (including Pokemon and E3 details), and some more information about Nintendo and Tencent Holdings partnership to break into the Chinese market with the release of Nintendo Switch. And even more!
We hope you enjoy the extra effort this week! As ever, we would appreciate your help in growing the show by sharing the podcast with a friend!
Thanks for listening!
[Nintendo Everything Podcast] – episode #23 – Give Me Labo VR Metroid!
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Podcast, Switch | 0 comments
Hello, you beautiful Shy Guys and Shy Girls! This week on NEP, please excuse Oni’s sick voice… BUT! The gang has several great discussions you’ll want to hear. This includes Best Buy leaking games allegedly via their website, which Galen provides some extra insight on, as he used to be a terrible employee back in the day. We then discuss Labo VR and muse over what future ways Labo could be used (Oni freaks over Metroid). We then get a little heavy as we find ourselves talking about the games industry and publishers capitalizing on the social phenomenon of FOMO.
Thank you for listening! Please help the show grow by sharing the podcast with someone you think might enjoy.
Best Buy apparently leaks Persona 5 for Switch
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 0 comments
For the past several months, there have been ongoing rumors of Persona 5 for Switch. We haven’t covered them here because there’s been all sorts of information floating around about when it would be announced and whether or not it was real. However, there’s apparently some new evidence that points to Persona 5 happening on Switch after all.
Today, Reddit user groo0731 shared some photos online from Best Buy’s internal system. That system lists Persona 5 for Switch, but it’s not live on the site itself.